Homelessness work | All Saints Margaret Street All Saints Margaret Street | Homelessness work

Homelessness work

We believe an important part of being a Christian is to show our faith through practical action and love of neighbour. All Saints’ collaborates in the running of the winter homelessness shelter at the American International Church on Tottenham Court Road, which is organised under the aegis of the homelessness charity C4WS.

Homeless guests are given a bed for the night at the American Church, and on a few occasions each winter All Saints’ staffs the shelter for the night. A number of volunteers are needed to prepare beds, cook, serve and share a meal, staff the shelter over night and then prepare breakfast in the morning.

The two dates on which All Saints’ staffs the shelter this winter are: Wednesday 6th-Thursday 7th of November 2024; and Wednesday 5th-Thursday 6th February, 2025. If you wish to volunteer for this important work, please be in touch with our parish office (office@asms.uk).