All Saints Parish Newsletter
Friday 17 May 2013 at 13:10
Dear Friends,
“How is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language?”
Across the street from All Saints there is a language school. People come to it from many countries to learn English, now the world’s common tongue, in the way that Greek – the language of the New Testament – was then.
Those who heard, each in their own language, were pilgrims in Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost.
Ours is a city to which people come from an ever greater spread of nations. Some come to study, many as tourists, others to work, some to make their homes here.
This is not a new phenomenon. Last week, I was in Wales to baptise a great niece. The service was bilingual: English and Welsh. Just over a century ago, services were conducted in Welsh at All Saints, for those who had come to our city from Welsh-speaking areas. A small Welsh-speaking Baptist congregation still worships in Eastcastle Street. It plays host to a larger and younger Korean group in the afternoons. The Welsh language has undergone something of a revival in recent years, after a long period in which it seemed doomed by the onward march of English.
The challenge which the coming among us of people of so many languages and cultures presents to us is one of communicating the faith to them. At the same time, we must seek to keep alive that which is of enduring value in our own religious culture; not because it is English, as if the Church of England was the spiritual arm of an English nationalism, but because it speaks the truth to us about Jesus Christ.
Happy Pentecost! Fr. Alan Moses
Please pray for: Harry Allan, Eleanor Chapman, Rachel Clayton, Sheena Cruise, Charles Forker, Cecil Garrett, Timothy Harding, Mason Jacobsen, Katherine Lee, Joshua Levy, Sheila Lewis, Nick Luff, Tim Montgomery, Linda Orme, , Grenfell Prince, Tony Pulleyn, Martin Sargeant, Celia Shore, Stephen Short, Jan Smith, Brian Sparkes, Ian Stevens, Andrew Tillyard, Melanie Toogood, Christine Vaughn-Lillie, Richard Walden, Heather Walker, Wendy Wall, Canon Geoffrey White.
The recently departed: Richard Evans, Mark Young, Eileen Ollman, Eva Wray, Peter Walls, Kathleen Brothwood, Maureen Craig, Ian Jenkinson.
At the anniversary of their death: Frank Biggart, Betty Johnson, Eliza Pountney, Eric Arnold (Director of Music, All Saints), Alan James, Wendy Johnson, Basil Kiernander, Francis Irving, Rita Hodgetts, Frederick Seales, John Davies.
All Saints Margaret Street Parish Office will be closed for refurbishment works from Monday 20 until Friday 31 May inclusive which may disrupt communications a little. We apologise for any inconvenience occasioned by these essential works. Phone messages will be responded to on 020 7636 1788 and emails should continue to be sent to:
All Saints Margaret Street Parish Office will be closed for refurbishment works from Monday 20 until Friday 31 May inclusive which may disrupt communications a little. We apologise for any inconvenience occasioned by these essential works. Phone messages will be responded to on 020 7636 1788 and emails should continue to be sent to:
FUTURE Events at ASMS and other places:
Saturday 25 May 7.30pm – Organ Recital, St John the Evangelist, Duncan Terrace Islington N1 8AL – 50th Anniversary Series 1963 Walker Organ
The church celebrates its 170th Anniversary this year. At this special concert, Douglas Mews plays most of his Father’s programme from the opening recital of February 1963 given in a bitterly cold church in ‘The Big Freeze of 63’.
The church celebrates its 170th Anniversary this year. At this special concert, Douglas Mews plays most of his Father’s programme from the opening recital of February 1963 given in a bitterly cold church in ‘The Big Freeze of 63’.
Sunday 26 May – ORGAN RECITAL 7.15pm (after Evensong & Benediction), All Saints Margaret St.
Tim Byram-Wigfield, Director of Music, All Saints.
Programme includes works by Bach, Böhm, Mendelssohn, Jongen and Widor. Free admission (retiring collection in aid of the All Saints Choir and Music Trust – £3.50 recommended donation). Cash bar available after the Recital.
Tim Byram-Wigfield, Director of Music, All Saints.
Programme includes works by Bach, Böhm, Mendelssohn, Jongen and Widor. Free admission (retiring collection in aid of the All Saints Choir and Music Trust – £3.50 recommended donation). Cash bar available after the Recital.
The coach leaves All Saints at 7.30 am. Concelebrated Mass at 12 noon followed by Sermon, Procession and Benediction at 2.30 pm. Preacher: Most Rev & Rt Hon Dr John Sentamu, Archbishop of York. Please contact Ross Buchanan (Tel: 020 7221 1312) for more information or to book a place.
All Saints Margaret Street
All Saints Margaret Street
Preacher: Father Tim Sledge, Vicar of Romsey Abbey
Missa Brevis in G – Mozart. O sacrum convivium – Messiaen
Missa Brevis in G – Mozart. O sacrum convivium – Messiaen
Friday 31 May – Visit of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Elizabeth, All Saints Margaret Street Low Masses at 8am, 1.10pm & 6.30pm.
The Diocese of London and St. Paul’s Cathedral, in association with 24/7 Prayer and Holy Trinity Brompton, are setting up a week of prayer leading up to the launch of Capital Vision 2020 on 6June. As well as space for prayer in the cathedral during the day, parishes are being encouraged to take part. At All Saints, there will a Vigil of Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday 5 June from 7pm until midnight. The vigil will include readings and prayers as well as silence. Please come and join and join us for as little or as much time as you can spare.