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All Saints Parish Newsletter

Friday 5 July 2013 at 10:56

All Saints Margaret Street E-Newsletter 5 July 2013

Dear Friends,

I write before setting out for York and the General Synod meeting.  The headline-catching items on the agenda are the House of Bishops’ proposals to restart the process for the ordination of women as bishops, which will take up much of our time and energy, and a debate on welfare reform, which probably ought to be given equal time.

In the epistle at mass on Sunday, we will hear St. Paul urging the Galatians and us not to "grow weary in well- doing, for in due season we will reap, if we do not lose heart. So then as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, and especially to those who are of the household of faith."

Finding the right and good thing to do and then pursuing it until it is achieved can take time and the Christian virtue of perseverance is often needed.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Alan Moses

Please pray for: Harry Allan, Eleanor Chapman, Rachel Clayton, Christopher Coleman, Sheena Cruse, Sabrina Fry, Cecil Garrett, Timothy Harding, Pat Hawkins, Denise Inge, Mason Jacobsen, Katherine Lee, Joshua Levy, Nick Luff, Tim Montgomery, Martin Sargeant, Celia Shore, Stephen Short, Ian Stevens, Kate Thomas, Andrew Tillyard, Melanie Toogood, Ambika Voke, Heather Walker, Wendy Wall.
The recently departed: Tony Pulleyn, Stephen Vaughan, Eleanor Valerie Southcott.
At the anniversary of their death: Lucy Wentworth-Reeve, Wilfred Burling,Tom Sanders, Doreen Hilda Davis, Grace Harrison, Gordon William Arthur, Aileen Margaret Buxton (Sacristan), Mabel Louise Pearce, Laurence Kerr Olivier, Wilfred Willard Hartley Stansfield, Cyril Gordon Ward, Mary Gaskell, Mina Robertson.
The Vicar is away 5 – 9 July in York attending General Synod.  
The Vicar is preaching at a Mass for the Company of Servers at St. Saviour’s, Pimlico on Saturday 13 July at 12 noon.
Saturday 13 July, 7.30pm St James’s Church Piccadilly LAUNCH CONCERT for UK-registered charity the Muze Trust (Music for Zambian Education).

The choirs of Merton College, Oxford and Jesus College, Cambridge (where Tim Byram-Wigfield was formerly Director of Music) will be performing a mix of western and African music alongside girls from St Margaret’s Bushey (who have been fundraising this year for the Muze Trust). The choirs will come together for the first time offering an exciting and accessible programme of music from several countries across the centuries, including Thomas Tallis’s 40-part motet ‘Spem in alium’ which will be directed by Peter Phillips, director of the world-famous Tallis Scholars.

The Trust invites everyone to join them for an occasion to remember, and know that, in doing so you will be supporting a Trust which seeks to ensure that music is not a luxury. Tickets: Adults £20/£16/£12, Students & children £10. Reservations: Tel: 020 7381 0441.
Sunday 14 July, 7.15pm ORGAN RECITAL (after Benediction)
– James Perkins, Organ Scholar.
Programme to include: Stanford, Bach, Ireland, Whitlock and Reger. Retiring collection for All Saints Choir and Music Trust (suggested donation: £3.50). Cash bar afterwards in the Courtyard, weather permitting.

THE ANNUAL ALL SAINTS WALSINGHAM PARISH PILGRIMAGE will be taking place Friday 19 – Sunday 21 July, led by the Vicar, with a chance to enjoy the Shrine at a relaxed pace. If you are interested in joining the group and are not yet booked, speak to Ross Buchanan or phone him on 020 7221 1312 as soon as possible please.
Saturday 20 July 7.30pm – St John the Evangelist, Duncan Terrace, Islington N1 8AL. (Nearest tube station – Angel). ADRIAN GUNNING, Organ Recital in the Anniversary Series – 2013, celebrating 50 years since the opening of St John’s three manual Walker organ in 1963.
Programme includes: Buxtehude, Goodwin, Quinn, Tournemire and Langlais.

DATE FOR YOUR DIARIES: Friday 13 September, 7pm for 7.30pm
QUIZ NIGHT at St Cyprian’s Church
Following last year’s successful event at St Cyprian’s there will be another Quiz Night as part of St Cyprian’s Festival Weekend. Please put the date in your diary and start forming your teams. As before teams can be a maximum of six members. The charge will be £10 per person payable on the night and refreshments will be provided. Chris Self will act as the co-ordinator for everybody taking part and should be contacted at or at All Saints Church.

Fr Gerald is thinking about organising a pilgrimage to Iona, Monday 6 – Sunday 12 April 2015. It was the Isle of Iona that S. Columba made his home in the sixth century and from where much of the north of the British Isles was evangelised.
The group will stay at Bishop’s House. There are 15 rooms (8 double, 7 single). Depending on how many go the cost for full board will be £350-£460 per person at 2013 prices. In addition there are travel costs. Again this will vary depending on whether the group goes by air, rail or road. We should allow up to another £250 per person.

Group members will need to be able-bodied and not prone to sea sickness. It’s impossible to predict what the weather will be like but group members will need to be prepared for all that Scotland is famous for!
For further information see the following websites:
Bishop’s House
S. Columba

If you think you would like to come on a pilgrimage to the Isle of Iona Monday 6 – Sunday 12 April 2015, please contact Fr Gerald Beauchamp ( as soon as you can. If there is sufficient interest he will convene a meeting in the autumn this year to outline a programme and make some initial decisions about travel.