All Saints Parish – Carol Singing
Thursday 13 December 2012 at 07:55
All Saints – Caroling around the Parish
Dear Friends,
This evening, 13th December we will Carol Sing around the Parish of All Saints and on Oxford Street. This is to raise money for Charity.
Please can I encourage you to come along and join in this early festive outing! Canon Law strictly forbids the wearing of Santa Hats, but other festive clothing or decoration is permitted. Please wrap up warm also.
We will meet in time to leave the Courtyard at All Saints at 6:30pm. Ian Lyons (choir) will direct our voices and Janet Drake will direct our steps. We look forward to this being a fun evening and to your company.
Mulled wine and mince pies will be served following the singing back at the vicarage.
Hopefully see you later,
Fr. John