All Saints Parish Newsletter 23rd August 2013
Dear Friends,
This letter comes from Durham, part of that desolate wasteland recently described by a member of the House of Lords as more suitable for “fracking” than the presumably civilised south. The North East certainly has its problems, but it has an important place in the history of Christianity in this land. That place is being celebrated at the moment with an exhibition of the Lindisfarne Gospels which have returned home, albeit only temporarily.
Today we were in Durham’s great cathedral, impressive as always, but some of the most lasting impressions from this visit, were not the usual architectural ones. At the entrance, a steward greeted us and presented us with a free bookmark, with a prayer, a short welcome and explanation of the cathedral from the Dean, and the times of services. At various points, votive candle stands blazed with light in witness to hundreds of prayers offered. We lit ours in the cathedral’s most holy place, the shrine of St. Cuthbert.
After a visit to the cathedral shop to buy some postcards of the northern sculptor Fenwick Lawson’s “Pieta” in the Chapel of the Nine Altars, which I often send to the bereaved, our last port of call was to the Galilee Chapel at the west end. This is the site of the tomb of the Venerable Bede, whose “History of the English Church and People” sprang from a life of prayer and study in the monastery at Jarrow. Like the Lindisfarne Gospels, Bede’s work testifies to a Christian civilisation in an era which many thought one of desolation after the collapse of the Roman Empire. Above his tomb are some of his words:
“Christ is the Morning Star, who when the night of this world is past brings to his saints the promise of the light of life and opens everlasting day.”
They were set to music a few years ago by the late Norman Caplin of All Saints, Margaret Street, and they are sung from time to time.
The chapel housed an exhibition of art inspired by the cathedral and Hexham Abbey, and I’m sure that Bede and the anonymous monastic scribes who produced the Lindisfarne Gospels would be glad to see that. But the sight that I’m sure would move them more, as it moved me, was of two African women on their knees in the chapel, deep in prayer. So, for a brief space, two people who had grown up not far from Durham Cathedral were together in prayer with two who had come from far away, and with those saints of long ago, and one who made music to the glory of God in our small yet holy place; as the Church is one in both time and space.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Alan Moses
Please pray for those who have asked for our prayers: Harry Allan, Damon Brash, Peter Burbidge, Margaret Campbell, Rachel Clayton, Sheena Cruse, Rosie Davis, Denise Inge, Mason Jacobsen, Linda Jervis, Jill, Mary Johnstone, Katherine Lee, Joshua Levy, Miriam Morris, Rev. Andrew O’Connor, Marimar Perez Fabo, The Ven. Jim Rone, Celia Shore, Stephen Short, Ian Stevens, Kate Thomas, Andrew Tillyard, Melanie Toogood, David and Jo Vincent, Heather Walker, Pat Walker, Wendy Wall.
For the recently departed: Hubert Gralka, Margaret Cooper, David Collins, Gloria Mensah, Francis Gordon Kerr (priest), Jacob Subbiah, John Webb, Bishop Roy Davies, Rotimi Roberts, Robert LLoyd (Priest) whose funeral is on 30 August.
At the anniversary of their death (during the coming week): Irene Harford, Robert Corbin (Priest), Ellen Noble, Lucy Cook, Dawn Hart, Christine Sanderson, Michael Bull, Nora Leyland, Kenneth Eaves, Evelyne Mginah, Denis Campkin, Joan Saint, John Miller (died on active service 1941), Amelia Stephens, Tom Chalmers, Peter Davidson, Patricia Williams.
For August/early September – the Parish Office will be open from 9 – 5 for a limited number of days per week as follows:-
W/c 25 August – open Tue/Weds/Fri.
W/c 2 September – open Mon/Weds/Thurs.
Voicemail messages and emails will be dealt with as soon as possible.
Worship Next Sunday – 1 September 2013 – Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity
11am High Mass: Preacher: Fr Julian Browning.
Missa ‘Laudate Dominum de caelis’—Lassus
Jesu, grant me this I pray—Whitlock
6pm Evensong & Benediction: Preacher: Fr Peter McGeary, Parish Priest of St Mary’s Cable Street.
Service in G – Francis Jackson
I sat down under his shadow – Bairstow
Weekdays at The Annunciation Marble Arch from September 2013
From September Quentin Williams and Stuart Voy, two Margaret Street servers will be acting as volunteer vergers at The Annunciation, enabling the church to be open Monday – Friday, 11.00am – 4.30pm at least. During this time Quentin and Stuart will usually be on hand to welcome visitors.
In addition to the 12.30pm Low Mass on Tuesdays the Angelus is now rung at Noon every day and the Midday Office will be said on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 12.30pm. This will include the names of those who have asked for intercession. On the second Friday of each month there will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament throughout the day. Fr Gerald Beauchamp has also written a short ‘Prayer Pilgrimage’ around the building for those who would like spiritual guidance while in church.
It is very exciting to see The Annunciation continuing to develop. Like All Saints, when you open the doors all sorts of people come in. If you are in the Marble Arch area, why not join them?
Saturday 7 September, 3pm – St Cyprian’s Clarence Gate, Glentworth Street NW1 6AX – Choral Evening Prayer and Benediction
Responses: Humphrey Clucas, Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Herbert Howells – Collegium Regale, Anthem: Edward Bairstow – ‘Blessed city heavenly Salem’. The St. Cyprian’s Singers, directed by: Julian Collings.
Monday 9 September, 7pm – a meeting of the PCC in the Parish Room.
Friday 13 September, 7pm for 7.30pm
QUIZ NIGHT at St. Cyprian’s Clarence Gate, Glentworth Street, NW1 6AX. This very popular general knowledge-testing event is staged once again, with the opportunity for teams of up to 6 people each to take part in competition with one another for a prize. Charge £10 per person payable on the night (including refreshments). Contact:
Saturday 14 September, RIDE+STRIDE
Supported by The National Churches Trust
Ride+Stride is a sponsored bike ride or walk with people from all over the country walking/cycling between churches. Funds raised help preserve some of Britain’s 47,000 churches, chapels and meeting houses at risk of falling into serious disrepair. To help raise money for these wonderful buildings you will need to be sponsored by your friends and family. Anyone at All Saints who wants to take part in Ride+Stride 2013 – please see Chris Self, Churchwarden for a Sponsorship form after High Mass.
“Our churches have borne witness to centuries of fascinating and engaging news. They’re pivotal to our history and vital for communities. Cycling and sightseeing to stop Churches crumbling is something we can all do.”
Jon Snow (Channel 4 news presenter and Ride + Stride patron)
Sunday 15 September, 10.30am – St Cyprian’s Clarence Gate, Glentworth Street, NW1 6AX. SAINT CYPRIAN’S DAY HIGH MASS with licencing of Fr Simon Stokes as Curate (SSM) by The Ven. Dr Bill Jacob, Archdeacon of Charing Cross (who will also preach). Mass setting: Ralph Vaughan Williams: Mass in G minor. Communion Motet: Benjamin Britten: ‘Jubilate in C’. Followed by a reception.
Sunday 15 September, after High Mass at All Saints – there will be a Mission Committee meeting.
Tuesday 17 – Sunday 22 September, 12 – 6pm JOHN LEWIS PARTNERSHIP ARTS & CRAFT CLUB 2013 EXHIBITION, Parish Room. Entry is free of charge.
Saturday 21 (10am-5pm) and Sunday 22 (1 – 5pm) September –
OPEN HOUSE LONDON – the capital’s greatest architectural showcase. Open House London celebrates all that is best about the capital’s buildings, places and neighbourhoods. Every September, it gives a unique opportunity to get out and under the skin of London’s amazing architecture, with over 700 buildings of all kinds opening their doors to everyone – all for free. All Saints is participating once again with talks on the history of the church given by Churchwarden John Forde – Saturday 11am and 3pm, Sunday at 2pm.
*** As we had over 600 people visit All Saints for Open House London in 2012, we need plenty of volunteers to welcome visitors for the weekend this year. Please see Chris Self to put your name down on his rota of 2 hours slots (or more!). Thank you! ***
Thursday 26 September, 7pm at the Annunciation Marble Arch, Bryanston Street, London W1H 7AH– there is an exploratory meeting led by Fr Gerald Beauchamp for all those interested in going on the Iona pilgrimage which is being planned for April 2015.
Saturday 28 September, 7.30pm St John the Evangelist, Duncan Terrace N1 8AL – ORGAN RECITAL – PETER STEVENS of Westminster Cathedral will be appearing in the 50th Anniversary Organ Recital Series since the opening of the Walker Organ.
Sunday 29 September, 7.15pm (after Benediction)
ORGAN RECITAL – CHARLES ANDREWS, Associate Director of Music All Saints. Programme includes: Bach, Franck and Heiller. Retiring collection to support the Choir and Music at All Saints (suggested donation £3.50).