All Saints Parish Newsletter
Thursday 15 November 2012 at 22:45
2nd Sunday before Advent
Dear Friends,
"When you hear of wars and rumours of wars." The Sunday readings during the period leading up to Advent anticipate that season’s themes of the coming kingdom of God and judgement. This is the kind of stuff which goes to some Christians’ heads. When the first Gulf War began I was in El Salvador and I can still recall being taken aback by an American pentecostalist missionary telling me how wonderful it was that Armageddon was beginning. Her belief that this war would usher in the end of the world was to prove unfounded, but at the time she was quite impervious to my questioning of her position. Was I just being a wet liberal? I think not. What I tried to reject was the idea that all the Kuwaiti civilians who died, all those soldiers who would die trying to free them, and all the Iraquis who would perish as a consequence of their heartless master’s folly, were nothing more in God’s sight than the collateral damage of a spiritual master plan. Well we have had more wars since then but, in spite of bloody civil war in Syria and renewed fighting in Gaza, those given to predicting the end of the world seem to have fallen silent. Perhaps the human cost of war, seen on our television screens, paid by our own young men and women, not just by people in faraway lands, is making people pause before they look forward so gleefully to Armageddon. Jesus after speaking in Sunday’s Gospel (Mark 13.1-8) of the coming destruction of the Temple, warns his disciples – then and now – against those who would lead us astray with this kind of talk. The reading from the Letter to the Hebrews, probably written against the background of the Temple’s destruction,, moves from absolute confidence in our access to God though Jesus Christ, to the common life built on his faithfulness: "And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching." It is in the ordinary acts and disciplines of the Christian life, in common worship and mutual care, not in fanciful speculation, that Christians are to prepare for the coming of Christ. Out of that common life can come the capacity to recognise Jesus in his comings, not only in word and sacrament and fellowship, but in those whose desperate need is for peace and Justice. The reading from Daniel tells us that: " those who are wise are like the brightness of the sky, and those who have led many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever." (Daniel 12.3) We have been blessed in the Church of England with an archbishop of great wisdom, who has led many to righteousness. Many I suspect will only come to appreciate this after he is gone. We must pray for his successor to have that same wisdom that he might lead us to that same righteousness.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Alan Moses
"When you hear of wars and rumours of wars." The Sunday readings during the period leading up to Advent anticipate that season’s themes of the coming kingdom of God and judgement. This is the kind of stuff which goes to some Christians’ heads. When the first Gulf War began I was in El Salvador and I can still recall being taken aback by an American pentecostalist missionary telling me how wonderful it was that Armageddon was beginning. Her belief that this war would usher in the end of the world was to prove unfounded, but at the time she was quite impervious to my questioning of her position. Was I just being a wet liberal? I think not. What I tried to reject was the idea that all the Kuwaiti civilians who died, all those soldiers who would die trying to free them, and all the Iraquis who would perish as a consequence of their heartless master’s folly, were nothing more in God’s sight than the collateral damage of a spiritual master plan. Well we have had more wars since then but, in spite of bloody civil war in Syria and renewed fighting in Gaza, those given to predicting the end of the world seem to have fallen silent. Perhaps the human cost of war, seen on our television screens, paid by our own young men and women, not just by people in faraway lands, is making people pause before they look forward so gleefully to Armageddon. Jesus after speaking in Sunday’s Gospel (Mark 13.1-8) of the coming destruction of the Temple, warns his disciples – then and now – against those who would lead us astray with this kind of talk. The reading from the Letter to the Hebrews, probably written against the background of the Temple’s destruction,, moves from absolute confidence in our access to God though Jesus Christ, to the common life built on his faithfulness: "And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching." It is in the ordinary acts and disciplines of the Christian life, in common worship and mutual care, not in fanciful speculation, that Christians are to prepare for the coming of Christ. Out of that common life can come the capacity to recognise Jesus in his comings, not only in word and sacrament and fellowship, but in those whose desperate need is for peace and Justice. The reading from Daniel tells us that: " those who are wise are like the brightness of the sky, and those who have led many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever." (Daniel 12.3) We have been blessed in the Church of England with an archbishop of great wisdom, who has led many to righteousness. Many I suspect will only come to appreciate this after he is gone. We must pray for his successor to have that same wisdom that he might lead us to that same righteousness.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Alan Moses
Please pray for Fr. Neil Share, Christopher Ryan, Malala Yousufzai, Peggy Leeman, Fr. David Jowitt, Michael Harris, Linda Orme, Mary Barnet, Sian Evans, Jackie Ferriter, Joshua Levy, Audrey Patterson, Celia Shore, Michael Sullivan, Rachel Clayton, Heather Walker, Richard Tann, Brian Sparkes, John Rogers, Mason Jacobson, Barbara Laws, Marguerite Crill, David Day, Timothy Montgomery, Timothy Harding, Andrew Tillyard, Finola Robinson, Stephen Finch, Jonathan Jennings.
The Recently Departed: Christopher Rawll, Rosemarie Roberts, Betty Mills, Duncan Pingriff, Sibyl Webster,
John Gant, Joan Cook, Gladys Carter, Graham Hawkes, Bp Kenneth Cragg at the anniversary of their death: Nadine Olivey, Norman Caplin, Clifford Graham Doyle, Joan Roberts, Donald Page, Florinco Scarle, Helen Clayton, Douglas Cudmore, Emma Stephens, John (Jack) Harrington, Kingsley Stansfield, David Voy, George Henry Ebbs, Joyce Rose Harvey, Winifred Mary Brough, Mary Buchanan, Timothy Lawford, Josephine Fletcher, Robert (George) Walker, Ailsa Morag Critchley, Ann Swanton, Henry West, Gladys Howard, Alyo (Winifred) Purdon
Saturday 17th November 4:30pm
Choral Evensong at All Saints Margaret Street: sung by the Royal College of Organists All welcome.
ANGLICAN CATHOLIC FUTURE: “The Christian Pilgrimage” St. Matthew’s, Westminster
Thursday 8th November 7pm – Led by Prebendary Alan Moses and the Revd. Nicola Stanley , Vicar of All Hallows Twickenham
12:50pm talks on the Church Building: On Sunday’s at 12:50pm for 10mins there will be a series of talks given by Fr. Alan and Fr. John. 18th November – The Nave. 25th November – The Pulpit. 2nd December – The Jesse Window. 9th December – The North Wall, The Old Testament. 16th December – The North Wall – The Nativity. Please come along prior to lunch for 10 minutes and hear an historical and theological perspective on our church building.
A day for men and women considering ordination. Led by Fr. Tim Sledge Vicar of Romsey Abbey.
If you are interested, please contact the Vicar or email
Saturday 24 Nov: 12 noon. Requiem Mass for Teresa Butler at All Saints
Monday 26th 2:30pm Graham Hawkes Funeral – High Mass of Requiem.
There will be two courses running at All Saints Margaret Street this year.
DAYTIME ADVENT COURSE – Fr. Alan will lead a four week day-time course meeting at 11am on Thursday’s 29th November, 6th, 13th & 20th December at the Vicarage. This will be book based on Rowan William’s latest book, “The Lion’s World – A journey into the heart of Narnia.
EVENING ADVENT COURSE Fr. John will lead a four-week evening course, meeting at 7:00pm on Wednesday’s 28th November, 5th, 12th & 19th December at No.6 Margaret Street. This course will look at The Patriarchs, The Prophets, St John the Baptist and Our Lady each one will be explored through one of the following: Opera, Film (popcorn will be provided), prose and poetry. Please indicate to Fr. Alan and Fr. John if you wish to attend.
Dr. Christopher Rawll – Christopher was for many years a devoted servant of All Saints and of the Church in London. Here at All Saints, he was at various times, server, sub-deacon, churchwarden, and archivist. In the diocese he served on Bishop’s Council, was lay chair of the Deanery Synod and Warden of Readers. He died peacefully on18th October. There will be requiem mass for him here at All Saints on Saturday 1st December, 12noon.
Advent Carol Service
2nd December 6:00pm – All Saints Margaret Street
Carol Singing – Thursday 13 December
We are looking for a group of 20-25 people from the congregation of All Saints to go carol singing in The Plaza and the Oxford St. area between the north side of Oxford St., Great Portland St., Market Place and the church. We will be out for up to two hours between 6.45-8.30pm, spending the first 45-60 minutes in The Plaza. We will donate any money given us and collected in tins to local charities for the homeless in London. Please email to join in. Mulled wine and minced pies to follow…
Congratulations to Colin Podmore:
The General Synod convenes next week. If (as is proposed) it decides not to meet in February as well, it will say farewell on Wednesday to Dr Colin Podmore, who will be standing down as Clerk to the Synod at Easter in order to take up a new post as Director of Forward in Faith in the UK. As many of you know, All Saints is not a Forward in Faith parish, but we recognise Colin’s gifts and congratulate him on this important national appointment. We pray for him and for our future together in the Church of England.
Aiden Hargreaves-Smith:
In addition to his role as Registrar of the Diocese in Europe, Aiden has recently been appointed Registrar of the Diocese of Chelmsford. He will be sworn in on Saturday, 19th January 2013 at Chelmsford Cathedral by the Bishop of Chelmsford, who will preside at the Eucharist. The service will start at 12.00 noon, and will be followed by a Reception. Everyone associated with All Saints’ is warmly invited to attend. It would be helpful if those intending to be present could ‘RSVP’ to Melanie Tucker on or 020 7593 0353, not least to ensure that the wine does not run out (a reputational risk which Aiden would never be prepared to take!).