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All Saints Parish Newsletter

Friday 21 September 2012 at 07:09

Trinity XVI -21st September 2012

Dear Friends,
Our Gospel on Sunday (you might want to quickly Google Mark 9: 30-37) is the second passion prediction and focuses on the disciples’ mistaken desire to be great, influential and wealthy. This prediction of Jesus’ passion occurs as they journey secretly through Galilee. The disciples’ response to Jesus’ prediction is lack of comprehension and fear. But this leads Mark to have Jesus then teach on “who is the greatest?” and as you will remember, that famous saying “the first must be last…” is a common saying in the Gospels, appearing again later in Mark, in Matthew and in Luke. 
In the honour-driven society of antiquity, fame and greatness were often judged by whose company one kept; to welcome unknown children rather than the rich and famous would normally bring no honour, but Jesus says that in welcoming the powerless we actually welcome the most powerful, the one who sent him. On the whole, we continue to be driven by honour, seeking the company of the rich and powerful as a testimony to our own success. Rowan Williams in an address to the Diocese of London Clergy asked us yesterday, “are we surprised by who’s in our congregation” or is it quite predictable who turns up? The Church has to be beyond these limitations and welcome the weak, the powerless, and those who society deem least influential, so that perhaps, just perhaps, we might through those who have nothing, find the great honour and wealth is serving one another for loves sake, rather than benefit. 
We very much look forward to seeing you on Sunday or soon.
Fr. John
Please pray for Fr. David Jowitt OGS, Julia, Sharon Nicholson, Calum O’Connor, Daniel, Michael Harris, Sandra O’Brien, Linda Orme , Mary Barnet, Stephen Collingwood, Sian Evans, Jackie Ferriter, Joshua Levy, Audrey Patterson, Cecilia Shore, Michael Sullivan, Rachel Clayton, Heather Walker, Graham Hawkes, Richard Tann, Brian Sparkes, Ron Cayless, John Rogers, Mason Jacobson, Barbara Laws, Marguerite Crill, Ondina Brash, Anne Hamburger, David Day, Timothy Montgomery, Timothy Harding, Andrew Tillyard, Lise Cribbin, with thanksgiving Carol Blake
The Recently Departed: Peter Vickers, Gwen Norman, Elvira Dibley, Sr. Jean Margaret ASSP, Maurice Keen, Marion Pidgeon, Sr. Elizabeth SSM, George Hurst. At the anniversary of their death: James Wright, Mary Baddeley, Andrew Braybrooke, Jean Hobbs, David Shearer, Pamela Herbertson, Eric King, Evelyn Steele, Mickael Charbonneau, Lilian Exten, Lynn Evans, Sister Mary, Marjorie Gaskell, Evan Windham.
STEWARDSHIP – Dear Friends, please can I remind you to return you Stewardship forms this coming week. Or if you require information on Stewardship, please be in touch with Dennis Davis in the Office, or Fr. Alan or Fr. John. If you are on the electoral roll of this parish, you will have received Stewardship information. Please consider how you support ASMS financially, as well as in prayer and in service and please could I encourage you to respond. If you have already responded, can we offer our sincere thanks.  Yours Fr. John
Poetry Tea Saturday 29th September 3:00pm at Pamela’s. You are invited to bring poems and prose on the general subject of ‘Summer celebrations and experiences’. If you would like to write something yourself how about ‘My Jubilee’ or ‘My Olympics’ . To accept, or to find out Pamela’s address, please speak to Pamela or Sandra or ring Sandra on 020 7637 8456 leaving your name and phone number. Cost £6 towards the All Saints Restoration Appeal.
A series of evenings celebrating our Catholic inheritance in the Church of England .
Wednesday October 17th ‘Our Lady’ – Speaker, The Revd Cally Hammond Dean of Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge 6:30pm Mass ALL SAINTS MARGARET STREET – ALL WELCOME for further details please contact All Saints Margaret Street.
CONFIRMATION – Saturday 3rd November 2012 5pm at St Paul’s Cathedral. Please see Fr. John or Fr. Alan for further information.
Penny Mordaunt MP, (Portsmouth North) and friend to All Saints Margaret Street is arranging for the Parish a Tour of Parliament on 16th November 2012. A maximum number of 60 people can attend, so please book your place with Fr. John Pritchard as soon as possible.   The Tour Starts at 9:55am and will last 75mins. The Tours are free, but I am suggesting that we all make a £10 donation towards Phase IV – Restoration Appeal for All Saints Margaret Street. Please send Cheques to All Saints c/o Dennis Davis or Fr John Pritchard made payable to "All Saints PCC Restoration Appeal". Details of where to meet will follow.  ONLY 7 Places left. Please book as soon as possible.