All Saints Parish Newsletter
Thursday 6 December 2012 at 13:39
Advent II
Dear Friends, This Sunday we consider the Prophets. I am not looking to have an easy task in writing this email, but perhaps you will consider reading what follows, part of T.S.Eliot’s poem, “Choruses from ‘The Rock’” 1934.
The Word of the Lord came unto me, saying: О miserable cities of designing men, O wretched generation of enlightened men, betrayed in the mazes of your ingenuities. Sold by the proceeds of your proper inventions: I have given you hands which you turn from worship, I have given you speech, for endless palaver, I have given you my Law, and you set up commissions, I have given you lips, to express friendly sentiments, I have given you hearts, for reciprocal distrust. I have given you power of choice, and you only alternate between futile speculation and unconsidered action. Many are engaged in writing books and printing them. Many desire to see their names in print. Many read nothing but the race reports. Much is your reading, but not the Word of God, much is your building, but not the House of God. Will you build me a house of plaster, with corrugated roofing, to be filled with a litter of Sunday newspapers?….
When the Stranger says: "What is the meaning of this city?Do you huddle close together because you love each other?"What will you answer? "We all dwell together to make money from each other"? or "This is a community"?And the Stranger will depart and return to the desert. О my soul, be prepared for the coming of the Stranger, be prepared for him who knows how to ask questions. О weariness of men who turn from God to the grandeur of your mind and the glory of your action, to arts and inventions and daring enterprises. To schemes of human greatness thoroughly discredited. Binding the earth and the water to your service, exploiting the seas and developing the mountains, dividing the stars into common and preferred. Engaged in devising the perfect refrigerator, Engaged in working out a rational morality, Engaged in printing as many books as possible, Plotting of happiness and flinging empty bottles, Turning from your vacancy to fevered enthusiasm for nation or race or what you call humanity; Though you forget the way to the Temple, There is one who remembers the way to your door: Life you may evade, but Death you shall not. You shall not deny the Stranger.
We very much look forward to seeing you on Sunday or soon.
Yours in Christ, Fr. John
Please pray for Fr. Richard Eyre, Fr. Neil Share, Christopher Ryan, Malala Yousufzai, Fr. David Jowitt, Michael Harris, Linda Orme, Mary Barnet, Sian Evans, Jackie Ferriter, Joshua Levy, Audrey Patterson, Celia Shore, Michael Sullivan, Rachel Clayton, Heather Walker, Richard Tann, Brian Sparkes, John Rogers, Mason Jacobson, Barbara Laws, Marguerite Crill, David Day, Timothy Montgomery, Timothy Harding, Andrew Tillyard, Finola Robinson, Stephen Finch, Jonathan Jennings, Leija Cox, Geoffrey Oakeshott.
The Recently Departed: Polly Rafter, Nicholas Assheton, Valerie Oram, Rosemarie Roberts, Betty Mills, Duncan Pingriff, Sibyl Webster, John Gant, Joan Cook, Gladys Carter, Graham Hawkes, Bp Kenneth Cragg at the anniversary of their death: Morgan Griffiths, John Slater, Frances Lloyd, Zena Monk, Maude Bull, Christine Bramma, Ines Baxter, Marian Borton, Hamish Gray, Natalie Dyrnes, Daniel Thomas, Amelia Jones, Alice Trevor, Annie Jevons, Roscow Shedden, Margaret Butterworth, Guy Pritchard, James Burling, Christopher Fairbarn, Mary Packer, David Vickery, John Turner, Lindsey Boynton, William Lloyd, Robert Kirk, John Turner.
Dennis Davis – Parish Administrator
After 30 years of faithful service as our Parish Administrator at All Saints, Dennis (who has been with us since Fr. Hope’s time) has decided to embrace a modestly early retirement from the strain and stress of this Inner City Parish. Many of you will know that Dennis returned from his summer holiday less than well, suffering from angina. After successful treatment he is now free from pain but wants to take full advantage and enjoy the years ahead. Dennis will formally leave All Saints at the end of February. We hope that his association with this Parish will continue over many years to come. I will soon announce an occasion for us to express our gratitude to him and for all that he has done for this Parish over many years. Alan Moses
After 30 years of faithful service as our Parish Administrator at All Saints, Dennis (who has been with us since Fr. Hope’s time) has decided to embrace a modestly early retirement from the strain and stress of this Inner City Parish. Many of you will know that Dennis returned from his summer holiday less than well, suffering from angina. After successful treatment he is now free from pain but wants to take full advantage and enjoy the years ahead. Dennis will formally leave All Saints at the end of February. We hope that his association with this Parish will continue over many years to come. I will soon announce an occasion for us to express our gratitude to him and for all that he has done for this Parish over many years. Alan Moses
Job description for the Post of Director of Music at All Saints Margaret Street:
The Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham, All Saints Margaret Street.
TONIGHT– Fr. Michael Bowie, (former Rector of Christ Church St. Laurence – Sydney) present Rector of Berkhamsted and part-time resident in Walsingham will attend All Saints and give a talk to the Cell of Our Lady. This being on the Eve of the Feast of the Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the title of Fr. Michael’s talk will be: ‘Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception’ – Our Lady: doctrine and devotion
Evening Prayer is at 6:00pm, Low Mass with Hymns at 6:30pm, Fr. Michael’s Talk follows Mass. The Talk is followed by a reception in the Bar. All Welcome.
Friday 14th December – St Paul’s Cathedral – 5:00pm Evensong, Preacher – Fr Alan Moses
12:50pm talks on the Church Building:
On Sunday’s at 12:50pm for 10mins there will be a series of talks given by Fr. Alan and Fr. John.
9th December – The North Wall, The Old Testament. 16th December – The North Wall – The Nativity. Please come along prior to lunch for 10 minutes and hear an historical and theological perspective on our church building.
There will be two courses running at All Saints Margaret Street this year.
DAYTIME ADVENT COURSE – Fr. Alan will lead a four week day-time course meeting at 11am on Thursday’s 13th & 20th December at the Vicarage. This will be book based on Rowan William’s latest book, “The Lion’s World – A journey into the heart of Narnia.
EVENING ADVENT COURSE Fr. John will lead a four-week evening course, meeting at 7:00pm on Wednesday’s 12th & 19th December at No.6 Margaret Street. This course will look at St John the Baptist and Our Lady each one will be explored through one of the following: Opera, Film (popcorn will be provided). Please indicate to Fr. Alan and Fr. John if you wish to attend.
The Marylebone Project (Church Army Hostel for Homeless Women) has requested small items they can wrap as Christmas presents. I hope we can help. If you have any please leave them in the parish office, or in the Baptistry, or give to Janet Drake, Frances O’Neill or Chris Self by 13 December. "Starting in December we’ll be collecting small, practical items that can be given as a Christmas present to a homeless woman. Items don’t need to be wrapped (as our elves can do this for us). The types of items that make especially useful gifts are socks, blankets, bubble bath, deodorant, shower gel, shampoo, scarves, warm hats, gloves, perfume, chocolates, notebook and pen, slippers (size 5 to 8), purses, hair brushes and diaries."
Carol Singing – Thursday 13 December
We are looking for a group of 20-25 people from the congregation of All Saints to go carol singing in The Plaza and the Oxford St. area between the north side of Oxford St., Great Portland St., Market Place and the church. We will be out for up to two hours between 6.45-8.30pm, spending the first 45-60 minutes in The Plaza. We will donate any money given us and collected in tins to local charities for the homeless in London. Please to join in. Mulled wine and minced pies to follow…
Congratulations to Aiden Hargreaves-Smith:
In addition to his role as Registrar of the Diocese in Europe, Aiden has recently been appointed Registrar of the Diocese of Chelmsford. He will be sworn in on Saturday, 19th January 2013 at Chelmsford Cathedral by the Bishop of Chelmsford, who will preside at the Eucharist. The service will start at 12.00 noon, and will be followed by a Reception. Everyone associated with All Saints’ is warmly invited to attend. It would be helpful if those intending to be present could ‘RSVP’ to Melanie Tucker on or 020 7593 0353, not least to ensure that the wine does not run out (a reputational risk which Aiden would never be prepared to take!).