All Saints Parish Newsletter 6th December 2013 | All Saints Margaret Street All Saints Margaret Street | All Saints Parish Newsletter 6th December 2013

All Saints Parish Newsletter 6th December 2013

Friday 6 December 2013 at 11:23

Dear Friends,

“Whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, so that by steadfastness and by encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope.”

Sunday’s Epistle (Romans 15.4-13) begins with these words, the inspiration for Cranmer’s famous collect.

But earlier this week we saw a young man quoting scripture on the television news. “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” he said, while clutching a knife in a hand covered in blood.

This is a favourite text of the vengeful: of those too ignorant of Scripture to know that this injunction of the law was meant to limit retribution for crime by preventing vendettas with their endless cycle of revenge and counter-revenge.

Scripture, torn from its context, has been used too often in past and present to justify abuses:
anti-semitism, racism and slavery, violence against women, homophobia. We have to think seriously about what it means to speak of it as “written for our instruction.”  What is it that it encourages us to be and do?

Paul is writing to a church divided between Jewish and Gentile converts. There are divisions and some feel superior to others.

To them he says, “Welcome one another…as Christ has welcomed you.”  Christ is the one in whom the promises made in the scriptures of the Old Covenant (the only ones Paul knew) are fulfilled. He quotes from Law, Prophets and Writings to support his claim that in Christ God had opened the way to faith for the Gentiles.

Our divisions are different: the Pilling Report on Human Sexuality, landed with a thump through the letter box to remind me of one of them. But whatever form they take, we are still to welcome one another as we have ourselves been welcomed. We are all dependent on the grace of God. Any attitude or conduct which does not reflect that universal welcome of Christ cannot be said to spring from scriptures which find their goal in him.

So we must make our own Paul’s prayer, for those to whom he wrote:

May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

And what we pray for, we must put into practice – which is much harder.

Yours in Christ,


Fr. Alan Moses

Please pray for those who have asked for our prayers:
Harry Allan, Peter Burbidge, Margaret Campbell, Loretta Cappelluti, Rachel Clayton, Rosie Davis, Ursula Edwards, Arthur Fearns, Charles Forker, Denise Inge, Philip Harland, Mason Jacobsen, Rachel Jackson-Stevens, Jill, Katherine Lee, Christine Loffty, Joshua Levy, Marimar Perez Fabo, Celia Shore, Stephen Short,  Andrew Tillyard, Jo Vincent, Paolla Vincentin, Fr Stephen Williams.

For the recently departed: John Tavener and Raymond Chapman (Priest), Din Callan-Jones, Pamela Freer, Nelson Mandela.  

At the anniversary of their death (during the coming week): Maude Ellen Bull, Christine Bramma, Ines Baxter, Marian Borton, Hamish Gray, Natalie Dyrnes, Daniel Thomas, Amelia Jones, Alice Trevor, Annie Jevons, Roscow Shedden (Bishop and sometime on the staff of All Saints), Margaret Butterworth, Edward Pritchard (member of PCC and Sidesman), James Burling, Christopher Fairbairn, Mary Packer, David Vickery (Priest and sometime Curate of All Saints), John Turner, Lindsey Boynton, William Lloyd (Priest), Robert Kirk, John Turner.



Music and Preachers:
Preacher: The Vicar, Prebendary Alan Moses
Mass Setting: Missa Brevis – Palestrina 
Hosanna to the Son of David – Gibbons

Preacher: Fr Julian Browning

The Short Service – Gibbons
Vigilate – Byrd

TEACHING THE FAITH AT ALL SAINTS – Ten-to-One Sunday Talk Series by the Vicar: WHY DO YOU DO THAT? –Music and Readings. The bell is rung at the start.



Music and Preachers:
Fr Julian Browning
Mass for four voices – Byrd   
Rorate cœli desuper – Byrd

The Vicar, Prebendary Alan Moses
Service in E – Watson
This is the record of John – Gibbons



Thursday 19 December 2013, 6.30pm for 6.45 – 7.30pm
All Saints is carol singing in Oxford Street once again and we need cheerful singers to make a joyful & pleasant sound. Please join us (meet in the Parish Office at 6.30pm) to sing and collect for two homeless charity projects in London – West London Day Centre and the Church Army Hostel for Homeless Women in Marylebone. Wrap warmly! Mulled wine to thank you afterwards in the Vicarage.  For further information, please speak to Janet Drake and let her or the Parish Office know if you can come and be part of the merry band.

The Hostel for Homeless Women has asked for donations by Friday 13 December of small practical items that can be given as presents. They particularly need: Socks, blankets, bubble bath, soaps, scarves, perfume and chocolates. These items do not need to be wrapped. Please drop off your donations in the Parish Office (Mon – Fri 9 – 5), give to Janet Drake or Chris Self on Sundays or leave them in the basket in the Baptistery. Thank you!

Friday 20 December 2013, 12.30pm LUNCHTIME CAROL SERVICE
For about ten days before 20 December to distribute publicity leaflets about this service around the Parish, and then on the day itself to assist with refreshments (serving Mulled Wine and Mince Pies). Please contact Janet Drake (Tel: 020 7278 9930) if you are able to volunteer some time.
Donations for the mince pies and wine gratefully received!

ALL SAINTS RESTORATION APPEAL – Church Lighting & Electrical Renewal

Update on Fundraising – we have already raised £145,000 (with anticipated Gift Aid), towards our total of £250,000.  The balance we still need to fund-raise for is £105,000

Thank you to everyone who has already contributed so generously; we are most grateful.

If you have still to contribute, please make cheques payable to: All Saints Margaret Street PCC Restoration Account and send to Restoration Appeal, All Saints Church Parish Office, 7 Margaret Street, London W1W 8JG. 

If you are a UK tax payer and have signed/will sign a Gift Aid declaration
with us, your donation to the Appeal is increased by 25%.  Please indicate that you wish your donation to be Gift Aided and ensure we have your full name (with initial/s), address and postcode. If you are unsure if you have signed a Gift Aid declaration form, please pick one up from the table in church, complete the details and return with your donation to: Mrs Dee Prior, Parish Administrator.



These are now available in the All Saints Bar at £3.00 for the calendar year (same rate as 2013). Please see one of the Bar team after Mass or Choral Evensong.

Future Events at All Saints, the Annunciation and St Cyprian’s

OPEN NOW until Sat 21 DecemberCARD AID SHOP in the Parish Room, opening: Mon – Sat 11 – 3 (closed Sun). Card Aid shops offer an unrivalled range of cards, with the assurance that ALL profits from cards sold are going to charity. Award winning Peace Oil available here at All Saints.

Saturday 7 December 3pm – CHRISTMAS POETRY TEA at Pamela’s.  All welcome. Please bring ‘Seasonal’ poems or prose – stretch your imagination!  To accept, please speak to Pamela/Sandra in the courtyard or ring Sandra on 020 7637 8456 (leaving your name and phone number).  Cost £6 in aid of the All Saints Restoration Appeal for Lighting and Electrical Renewal. 

Sunday 8 December, TEACHING THE FAITH AT ALL SAINTS – Ten-to-One Talk Series by the Vicar: WHY DO YOU DO THAT? – Music and Readings. The bell will ring to announce the start of the talk.

Tuesday 10 December, 6.45pm – MEETING OF THE ALL SAINTS CHOIR AND MUSIC TRUST and 7.30pm – THE FOUNDATION, in the Vicarage.

Sunday 15 December, ADDITIONAL MEETING OF THE ALL SAINTS PCC – to consider an application for a Faculty for the New Lighting and Electrical Installation project.  

Sunday 15 December, SUNDAY LUNCH £5.00. This is the last lunch being served in 2013 and will be a traditional Christmas Lunch. In 2014 lunches will recommence a few weeks into the New Year.

Thursday 19 December 2013, 6.30pm CAROL SINGING IN OXFORD STREET – please join us (meet at Parish Office) to come out and sing and collect for the Church Army Hostel Emergency Bed supported by All Saints Margaret Street. For further information, speak to Janet Drake.

Sunday 22 December, TEACHING THE FAITH AT ALL SAINTS – Ten-to-One Talk Series by the Vicar: WHY DO YOU DO THAT? – Christmas: Carols and the Crib. The bell will ring to announce the start of the talk.


All welcome – please bring some friends!

Monday 16 December 2013, 6pm – FESTIVAL OF NINE LESSONS and CAROLS. Featuring the full Choir of All Saints. Followed by mince pies and mulled wine.

Friday 20 December 2013, 12.30pm – LUNCHTIME CAROL SERVICE
Featuring a soloist from the All Saints Choir – Jennifer Snapes. 
Mince pies and mulled wine served afterwards – join us and take a restorative break from work!


Wednesday 25 December, 11am – CHRISTMAS DAY HIGH MASS

Sunday 29 December, 11am – FIRST SUNDAY OF CHRISTMAS

If you would like to encourage others to receive this weekly email, please forward this email on to them, or people you would like to invite to services. If you know of others who would like to receive this correspondence, or for whom you would like prayers offered at All Saints, please ask them to email the Parish Administrator Mrs Dee Prior at:

If you would like any pastoral assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Vicar, Prebendary Alan Moses: