All Saints Parish Newsletter | All Saints Margaret Street All Saints Margaret Street | All Saints Parish Newsletter

All Saints Parish Newsletter

Friday 10 May 2013 at 18:00


Dear Friends,

A paper was given to me a few days ago. It had been written by the Bishop of Sheffield after he had been a fraternal delegate at a Synod of Bishops in Rome on evangelisation.

From its deliberations and discussions with others, the bishop has distilled seven disciplines and practices which help to grow the Church.

The first of these, suggested to him by our own bishop, is "prayerful discernment and listening or contemplation."

In the Gospel on Ascension Day, Jesus speaks to the apostles of the mission to all nations, but tells them that they are to remain in the city until they "have been clothed with power from on high."

Then in Acts we read of them being together in prayer with Mary and the women until Pentecost.

The nine days between Ascension and Pentecost are kept as a season (a novena) of prayer for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These days are a reminder of the priority of prayer in the Church’s mission. This is something we are reminded of again in Sunday’s Gospel which is part of the "high priestly prayer" in John (17: 20 – 26) in which he prays for those who "will believe in me through their word."

Prayer has always been at the heart of the life of All Saints.  But the bishop’s paper suggests that we give thought to how we might focus our prayer on discerning mission opportunities in a city where the nations of the world have come to us.
Lack of space means that discussion of the other disciplines and practices will have to wait.  In the meantime we will, like those first disciples be "continually in the temple blessing God."

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Alan Moses

Please pray for: Harry Allan, Eleanor Chapman, Rachel Clayton, Sheena Cruise, Charles Forker, Cecil Garrett, Timothy Harding, Mason Jacobsen, Katherine Lee, Joshua Levy, Sheila Lewis, Nick Luff, Tim Montgomery, Linda Orme, Canon Geoffrey White, Grenfell Prince, Tony Pulleyn, Martin Sargeant, Celia Shore, Stephen Short, Jan Smith, Brian Sparkes, Ian Stevens, Andrew Tillyard, Melanie Toogood, Christine Vaughn-Lillie, Heather Walker, Wendy Wall
The recently departed: Ian Miller, Richard Evans, Mark Young, Eileen Ollman, Eva Wray, Peter Walls, Kathleen Brothwood, Maureen Craig.  
At the anniversary of their death: John Finnie, Edith Cooke, Douglas Laing, Patrick Spencer, Elsie Rybczk, Winifred Beavan, Muriel Burling, John Carter, Elsie Scott, Charles Simon, Richard Britten, Lucy Heath, Michael White-Cooper (Priest and former server), William Crane, Thomas O’Neil (Priest), Flora McDonald Clutterham.

Sunday 12 – Sunday 18 May – CHRISTIAN AID WEEK
Christian Aid envelopes are distributed today at the start of Christian Aid week.  Please place your contributions in the envelopes, completing the gift aid information where possible, and return to All Saints by Sunday 19 May.
Bite back at hunger this Christian Aid Week. Today 870 million people in the world are in desperate need of food.Together, this Christian Aid Week, we can help some of the world’s poorest families get enough to eat. With your contribution, help end poverty and hunger – for good.

All Saints Margaret Street and NOT St Matthew’s, Westminster
Travels with my Aunt: Companions in Catholic Mission
Speaker: The Revd Chris Chivers, Vicar of John Keble Church, Mill Hill and Chair of US (formerly USPG).

Wednesday 15 May, 7.30pm – LONDON CALLING DINNER
Church of the Annunciation, Marble Arch – Technology in the community

Come hear founder of Wikipedia and neighbour to the Annunciation: Jimmy Wales. This community dinner looks at the role digital technology has played in changing how we interact with families, friends, colleagues and community.  How do we accentuate the incredible changes which technology has made to all of us and how do we mitigate against the negatives?  How will we engage with each other in future and what role should faith play in the debate?
Please join us for drinks at 7pm and dinner from 7.30pm (finishing soon after 9pm).  Tickets are £20 and the finest Lebanese food as usual is from Maroush.
Sunday 19 May, 11am – THE DAY OF PENTECOST (Whit Sunday)
PROCESSION AND HIGH MASS, All Saints Margaret Street
Preacher: The Vicar, Prebendary Alan Moses
Missa Brevis in B flat – Mozart. The Spirit of the Lord – Elgar.

Monday 20 to Friday 31 May
The All Saints Margaret Street Parish Office will be closed for refurbishment works from Monday 20 until Friday 31 May inclusive which may disrupt communications a little. We apologise for any inconvenience occasioned by these essential works. Phone messages will be responded to on 020 7636 1788 and emails should continue to be sent to:
Saturday 25 May 7.30pm – Organ Recital, St John the Evangelist, Duncan Terrace Islington N1 8AL – 50th Anniversary Series 1963 Walker Organ
The church celebrates its 170th Anniversary this year. At this special concert, Douglas Mews plays most of his Father’s programme from the opening recital.

Sunday 26 May – ORGAN RECITAL 7.30pm
(after Evensong and Benediction), All Saints Margaret Street
Tim Byram-Wigfield, Director of Music, All Saints.
Programme includes works by Bach, Bohm, Mendelssohn, Jongen and Widor.

The coach leaves All Saints at 7.30 am. Concelebrated Mass at 12 noon followed by Sermon, Procession and Benediction at 2.30 pm.
Preacher: Most Rev & Rt Hon Dr John Sentamu, Archbishop of York.
Please contact Ross Buchanan (Tel: 020 7221 1312) for more information or to book a place.
All Saints Margaret Street
Preacher: Father Tim Sledge, Vicar of Romsey Abbey
Missa Brevis in G – Mozart. O sacrum convivium – Messiaen