Calendar and Intentions: April 2022 | All Saints Margaret Street All Saints Margaret Street | Calendar and Intentions: April 2022

Calendar and Intentions: April 2022

Wednesday 30 March 2022 at 12:45




1        Feria                                                  Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham

2        Feria                                                 Those following the religious life

3        LENT 5                                             Parish and people

4        Feria                                                 All suffering from COVID

5        Feria                                                  Persecuted Christians

6        Feria                                                  Greater love of the scriptures

7        S. John Baptiste de la Salle              Christian educators

8        Feria                                                  Peace in Ukraine

9        Feria                                                 Penitents and Confessors

10      PALM SUNDAY                                       Parish and people

11      Holy Monday                                    Deeper Penitence this Holy Week

12      Holy Tuesday                                   Bishop Jonathan 

13      Holy Wednesday                              Unity of all Christians           

14      MAUNDY THURSDAY                 Greater devotion to the Mass

15      GOOD FRIDAY                              Sorrow for our sins

16      HOLY SATURDAY                        The departed

17      EASTER DAY                                 Parish and People

18      EASTER MONDAY                      Thanksgiving for the Resurrection 

19      EASTER TUESDAY                      Thanksgiving for the Resurrection

20      EASTER WEDNESDAY                Thanksgiving for the Resurrection

21      EASTER THURSDAY                   Thanksgiving for the Resurrection

22      EASTER FRIDAY                          Thanksgiving for the Resurrection

23      EASTER SATURDAY                    Thanksgiving for the Resurrection 

24      EASTER 2                                        Parish and people

25      ST GEORGE                                  England

26      Feria                                                 Politicians

27      Feria                                                  refugees

28      Feria                                                 The homeless

29      S. Catherine of Sienna                      Theologians

30      Feria                                                 Those in prison