Lent 5
Sunday Sung Mass begins at 11am.
You can open today’s Propers by clicking above.
And click here for the YouTube live stream.
Holy Week
The Holy Week programme this year will be as follows:
Palm Sunday: 11am Solemn Entrance, Palm Gospel, blessing of Palms and Sung Mass. Please assemble in church if attending in person.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in Holy Week: 12 noon Mass.
Wednesday in Holy Week: 7.30pm Tenebrae
Maundy Thursday: 6pm Sung Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Procession to the Altar of Repose.
Foot washing is not permitted this year.
The watch before the Altar of Repose will conclude at midnight with Compline (or earlier if we cannot guarantee sufficient watchers to keep the church open).
Good Friday: 3pm Solemn Liturgy of the Passion of the Lord.
After the procession and showing of the Cross, it will be venerated at the chancel step by a genuflection or bow, but not by kissing.
Holy Communion will be administered (in one kind, as usual at present) at this Liturgy.
Holy Saturday: 9pm Easter Vigil, Renewal of Baptismal Promises and first Mass of Easter.
Please assemble in church: candles, with orders of service, will be placed on chairs, suitably spaced; the new light will be kindled in the church porch and the Paschal Candle will be processed from there.
Easter Day: 11am Sung Mass
5.15pm Low Mass
6pm Evensong, Te Deum and Benediction
Please note, receiving communion at the Easter Vigil fulfils our Easter obligation, so it will help us to manage numbers this year if you choose to attend either the Vigil or the Sunday morning Sung Mass but not both.
Additionally, there will be a 5.15pm Low Mass on Easter Day, so if you are intending to come to Evensong that will be another opportunity to make your Easter communion.
All liturgies can be attended in person.
All except those on the evening of Easter Day will also be available online.
With best wishes
Fr Michael
Proceeds from this year’s Lent Appeal will be divided between:
American Church Soup Kitchen in Tottenham Court Road
towards the costs of their mental health worker;
Anglican Communion Fund
supporting communities throughout the Anglican Communion often in the poorest and most dangerous parts of the world.
Bishop of London’s Lent appeal
focussing on Youth Violence – supporting three charities working in different ways with young people.
How to donate
Please give generously to this year’s Lent Appeal by visiting our donation page.
Or you can send a cheque to the Parish Office, made payable to: “Parochial Church All Saints (Lent Appeal)”. If you qualify for Gift Aid, please write ‘Gift Aid’ on the back of the cheque.
Lent Boxes will not be issued this year.
Supporting All Saints
Thank you to all who give in various ways to support the work of All Saints. Our preferred option for giving is the Parish Giving Scheme.
There are two options for joining the scheme. You can phone 0333 002 1271 and give the parish code: 230623075. Or you can request a form from the parish office.
The Parish Giving Scheme allows contributions to be anonymous and deals with GiftAid, which saves our office a lot of time. The previous online registration facility for the scheme is no longer available. To read about how the scheme works, click here.
Websites with links for prayers and readings
There are resources for Daily Prayer on the Church of England Website;
also for the Roman Catholic Daily Office and readings (including those for Mass) on Universalis (this is the free version; if you are prepared to pay the subscription you can find excellent aids to Lectio Divina and other fuller provisions there).