New Assistant Priest at All Saints'
Dear friends,
I am pleased to share with you the news that the next Assistant Priest of All Saints’, Margaret Street, is to be Fr Alan Rimmer. He is currently the curate of St Stephen’s, Gloucester Road. We hope he will move to Margaret Street early in the New Year. He will be licensed to our parish by the Bishop of Fulham at Evensong and Benediction on Sunday 12th February 2023.
I would like to thank our churchwardens for their help and discernment in the process of this appointment, and all those priests who have supported us with extra cover over the past few months. I particularly want to pay tribute to Fr Julian and to thank him for all the extra work and cover he has offered in the time in which we have had no assistant priest. I am very grateful to him.
I want to say, personally, how happy I am that Fr Alan has accepted this invitation to be our new Assistant Priest. He is a very impressive and able young priest and I am so pleased he will be joining our clergy team.
Please keep Fr Alan in your prayers over the coming months as he prepares to move to Margaret Street.
Fr Peter
Fr Alan Rimmer, our new Assistant Priest.