Sunday Sung Mass begins at 11am
You can open today’s Propers by clicking above.
And click here for the YouTube live stream, or on the image below.
The flowers today have been given by Janice, Julia and Daniel Fielden in loving remembrance of and thanksgiving for their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, Fred and Doris Porter.
If you would like to make a donation for flowers, please contact Shawn on 07988 287 663 or or speak to Chris Self.
Annual Reports for 2020 and Annual Meetings 2021
The various reports from the PCC, All Saints Foundation, the Choir & Music Trust and All Saints Club are available here. If you would like a paper copy, then please speak to one of the Churchwardens.
The Meeting of Parishioners and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place on Trinity Sunday 30th May 2020 in the church at about 12.15 pm immediately after the Sung Mass. The meetings will be held in the same form as last October. The meetings will appoint the churchwardens for the ensuing year and a third of the elected lay members of the PCC. The full agendas, minutes of last year’s meetings and the report on the Electoral Roll may be found here. Nomination forms may be obtained from Chris Self.
Only those on the Church Electoral Roll and residents in the Parish entered on the register of local government electors may attend and vote at the first meeting to elect churchwardens. Only those on the Church Electoral Roll may attend and vote at the second meeting to elect members to the PCC.
The newly revised electoral roll may be inspected on the notice board in church.
Christopher Self and John Forde are offering themselves for re-appointment as churchwardens this year. The retiring members of the PCC who are eligible for election for a second three-year term, subject to their willingness to stand, are Gillian Dare, Nick Gralka and Kate Hodgetts.
Churches Together in Westminster – Service of the Word
The CTiW Service of the Word for Pentecost Service will take place at 6pm this evening at St Mary le Strand, WC2R 1ES.
All are very welcome to attend either in person (please wear a mask and follow guidance to ensure social distancing) or watch the live stream. Link to streams and orders of service are here. You may also wish to have a candle ready to light during the service to join with those in church.
Supporting All Saints
You can set up a regular donation to All Saints here.
We use the Parish Giving Scheme, which allows contributions to be anonymous and deals with GiftAid, saving our office a lot of time. You can read about how the scheme works here.
Websites with links for prayers and readings
There are resources for Daily Prayer on the Church of England Website;
also for the Roman Catholic Daily Office and readings (including those for Mass) on Universalis (this is the free version; if you are prepared to pay the subscription you can find excellent aids to Lectio Divina and other fuller provisions there).