Weekly Email – Remembrance Sunday | All Saints Margaret Street All Saints Margaret Street | Weekly Email – Remembrance Sunday

Weekly Email – Remembrance Sunday

Friday 11 November 2022 at 13:30


Dear friends,

What is Christian Remembrance?

Did you know that 50% of the all the photographs ever taken in the entire history of photography were taken in the last 12 months?  One of the consequences of the information revolution we are living through has been an explosion in the number of photographs it is now possible to take.  You can take endless digital photos at no cost whatsoever, and store infinite numbers of them in your computer or online.  Gone are the days of having negatives developed and filling bulky photo albums.

But it often seems to me, precisely because of this revolution, that we are incapable of experiencing any event now except through the lens of a camera. I find myself particularly guilty of this! We’re always taking shots on our iphones of everything. It’s as if deep down, there is a fundamental terror that without the digital image to prove it, the event won’t be remembered.

One of the neuroses that most afflicts the post-modern mind is the terror of being forgotten, and an uncertainty about how we remember and will be remembered.

Over the past few weeks we have, in a broader sense, been in a season of remembering.  We have just kept All Saints’ and All Souls’ Day, when we commemorated those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith. A few days after that was Bonfire Night: “Remember, remember, 5th November; gunpowder, treason and plot.”  And now we keep Remembrance Sunday when, in a more civic and corporate way, we call to mind as a nation the sacrifice of those who have fallen in war.

All those sorts of rememberings may seem quite different, but they actually have one thing in common. They all involve that fear of forgetting: the fear of forgetting the horrors of war so that similar conflicts should never happen again; or the fear of forgetting the cherished memories of our closest loved ones.

It seems we remember to keep the spectre of forgetting at bay.

Is that all that there is to say about Remembrance? Is it just about keeping memories alive, the recalling of past events?  I think one of the things we are called to re-discover each year around this time is that for the Christian, Remembrance is much more than that.

All too often we think of remembering as something dependent on our efforts: our ability to recall; our determination not to forget. One of the things Sunday’s commemoration shows us afresh is that that is not the case.

For when Christians remember the departed, we do so knowing that they live in Christ. In our baptism, we were incorporated into him.  Not just were we given a new identity but we were given the gift of eternal life with him who triumphed over death.  That bond is something which the grave cannot overcome.

Even though many years may distance us from those who have died, we share a kinship with them, which is indestructible.  We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Our remembrance is not just recalling past events. Rather, through it, we re-inhabit the deep, living, communion we have with the departed.

If that is the case, then we discover something else – that we no longer need to be haunted by that terror of forgetting. Christian remembrance is not a desperate attempt to keep the memory of our loved ones alive, for we know that in God they will never die and will never be forgotten.

In fact, in a funny way we discover that Christian remembrance is not about us doing the remembering at all! Rather it is rejoicing in the fact that it is God who remembers us. He knows us and cherishes us, and remembers us in his Son. We need not fear being forgotten.

Remembrance Sunday is a solemn recognition that we are part of a bigger picture – the bigger picture of life with God that we share with those who have died. When we remember, we are participating in the eternal act of endless remembering, knowing, and loving which is the life of heaven – that perfect society, where war, violence, and death are no more, and men and women enjoy that eternal peace and unity which is God’s will for us.

Fr Peter


Many congratulations to Aviendha Jacka, as she was baptized last Sunday, incorporated into Christ, and made a member of the communion of all the saints.


Liturgical arrangements for Remembrance Sunday

We will return to our parish’s practice of beginning the High Mass on Remembrance Sunday (i.e. this Sunday 13th November) at 10.55 am, in order to allow us to keep the two minute silence corporately at 11.00 am.


Parish Outing: Alexander the Great

Our next planned parish outing is to the British Library to see an exciting new exhibition focussed on Alexander the Great on Tuesday 31st January 2023.

The exhibition will look at the way in which the inheritance and legend of Alexander has been moulded and shaped by different cultures and individuals, examining a diverse array of objects, texts and artefacts.

Parishioner of All Saints’, Rachel Foss, who works at the British Library, has kindly organised for us to be met by a curator to be given a short introductory talk before seeing the exhibition. We are very grateful indeed to her for helping to organise this outing.

The British Library website says the following about the exhibition:

“He built an empire that stretched across the world. Rode across the sky on a flying chariot. And descended to the bottom of the sea in a glass bell. Or did he?

Piece together an epic tale 2,000 years in the telling. From astrological clay tablets, ancient papyri, and medieval manuscripts, to Hollywood and Bollywood movies and cutting-edge videogames, our major exhibition crosses continents to explore the fantastical stories that turned legacy into legend.

Pharaoh, prophet, philosopher. European, Middle Eastern and Asian cultures have all moulded Alexander into the fictional hero they want him to be. And today artists and storytellers alike are still trying to reimagine the man and his myth. Who was he really? You’ll have to decide for yourself.”

You can read more about the exhibition here, where the British Library has provided a series of fascinating articles about different aspects of the exhibition and the objects on display. In addition, an excellent laudatory review of the exhibition has appeared in The Guardian, which you can read here.

The cost of our trip is £15. There will be the opportunity to have a two course dinner together after our visit to the exhibition at the Pizza Express just opposite the Library on the Euston Road at £25 per head (with people paying for their own drinks). You are asked to choose your menu choices before we arrive and communicate them to the parish office when you book your ticket. The menu to choose from can be found here: Pizza Express menu.

Please be in touch with our parish office to book a ticket and make it clear whether you want a ticket for both exhibition or just the exhibition.


Festival Week preachers

We are very grateful indeed to the guest preachers who joined us through our All Saints’ Festival Week. It has been such a rich homiletic opportunity: Bishop Jonathan preached for us on All Saints’ Day; and Fr Andrea Wenzel on All Souls’ Day. You can watch all their homilies again here on our YouTube channel here.

Fr Nigel Palmer preached on our Festival Sunday. In his homily, he explored the Anglican tradition, enshrined in the Book of Common Prayer, of keeping a feast of All the Saints. In it we see the promise of our own calling bestowed in Baptism – that holiness which is life with God. You can listen to Fr Nigel’s excellent homily again here and read the text here.


Fr Nigel Palmer, assistant priest at St Michael’s Croydon, preaches at our Festival Sunday High Mass.


Enola Holmes 2

Film fans may be interested to know that all the House of Lords scenes in the Enola Holmes 2 movie, which appeared last week on Netflix, were actually filmed at All Saints’ Margaret Street! The eagle-eyed will see the back of the nave was used as the lobby of the House of Lords. They also mocked up a scene in the debating chamber of the Lords.

Scenes shot in All Saints’ can be found at the following time points in the film: 3.44; 4.08; 1.58.19.

The Enola Holmes films, based on a novel by Nancy Springer, revolve around a teenage sister of Sherlock Holmes, who becomes involved, like her brother in a  series of sleuthing adventures.  The film stars Millie Bobby Brown as the title character, with Louis Partridge (who was present at All Saints’ for the House of Lords scenes) as her love interest Lord Tewkebury, Henry Cavill as Sherlock Holmes  and Helena Bonham Carter as their mother Eudoria Holmes.


The back of our nave used as the lobby of the Palace of Westminster in Enola Holmes 2.


Zoom Theology: Christ and the aliens

Tuesday 15th November 2022 – 7.00-8.00 pm

Christ and the Aliens: what would be the theological consequence of discovering life exists beyond our world?

Fr Steve Rice, Rector of St Timothy’s, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, will address the fascinating question of what difference it would make to Christian theology to discover we are not the only life forms in the universe in our next Zoom Theology session.

This is not a new topic and many ancient writers have pondered the question. Fr Steve will draw on theologians such as Vorilong, Baronius, and Sinistrari to tease open the intriguing questions this poses for our account of what it means to be human in the light of the Gospel.

We are so pleased that Fr Steve, well known to our parish from the occasion earlier this year when he preached for us, will be joining us from Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and we look forward to hearing his presentation. The Zoom link for the seminar can be found here.


Many will remember the wonderful homily Fr Steve Rice preached at All Saints’ in May of this year and the fascinating presentation he gave on the life of his parish, St Timothy’s, Winton-Salem. We look forward to hearing his presentation for our next Zoom theology seminar.


Bishop of Fulham’s Lay Congress

A day of teaching and formation for lay people is being organised by the Bishop of Fulham on Saturday 19th November at St Andrew’s, Holborn, from 10.30 am until 3.00 pm.

The theme for this year’s congress is ‘Anointed: living as prophets, priests and monarchs’, and will follow the established pattern of a key note address, opportunities for discussion and fellowship, and encouragement in practical ways of living out our baptismal vocation in our parishes.

The key note speaker will be His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos, Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of London. Archbishop Angaelos is widely recognised for his ecumenical work, and as an advocate for religious freedom. It is a great privilege and honour that he will be able to be with us for this day of formation.

Participants are asked to bring a packed lunch, and hot drinks will be provided.


Volunteers needed!

We need volunteers on two fronts.

First, we would be glad to hear from anyone able to help with the upkeep of the courtyard garden. It is a beautiful oasis of verdant calm, but the immense amounts of time and effort that it requires have increasingly been falling on Shawn Welby-Cooke’s shoulders alone. If anyone is able to help with gardening work and with watering duty, please speak to Shawn.

Second, we need extra help with serving refreshments at a series of carol services through December. In the run-up to Christmas quite a few colleges, organisations, and local businesses use All Saints’ to hold their carol services. We are often called upon to serve refreshments afterwards. If anyone would be willing to help in this crucial work, please speak to Kate Hodgetts.


Right: one of the House of Lords scenes from the movie Enola Holmes 2, available now on Netflix, with Enola Holmes’ love interest Lord Tewkesbury (Louis Partridge) speaking.  Left: the mocked up Lords debating chamber the film crew set up in All Saints’ Church used during filming of the scene last November.


All Saints’ Festival Appeal, 2022

Donations to this year’s Festival Appeal which continues for a few more weeks yet will be shared between three charities.

The Soup Kitchen is a resource for the homeless, elderly, lonely and vulnerable in London. They provide free meals, clothing, toiletries and a sense of belonging to nearly 150 people each day and an on-site mental health drop-in centre to help address their guests’ mental health needs.

USPG is the Anglican mission agency that partners churches and communities worldwide in God’s mission to enliven faith, strengthen relationships, unlock potential and champion justice.

The London Churches Refugee Fund enables churches and individuals to donate to multiple charities helping destitute refugees and asylum seekers in London. From your donations we make grants to front-line projects, typically for phone credit, hygiene items, food or fares to access drop-ins, language classes, solicitors, etc. To date, the LCRF has raised and distributed over £250,000.

Donations may be made online until the end of November at cafdonate.cafonline.org/21806, or by sending a cheque to the Parish Office, payable to Parochial Church All Saints and marked Festival Appeal 2022.


Over the keeping of our All Saints’ Festival week, two celebrations of Evensong have been live-streamed: First Evensong and Benediction of the feast of All Saints’ (Brewer in D; Leighton, Sequence for All Saints) on Monday 31st October; and Solemn Evensong with Te Deum and Benediction (Howells “Collegium Regale”; Bullock, Give us the wings of faith; Stanford Te Deum in B-flat; & Henschel, Tantum ergo) on the Festival Sunday, 6th November.  You can watch these liturgies in the Evensong section of our Youtube Channel here



The flowers for Remembrance Sunday are given by Ray Oram in memory of his father and mother.

We are looking for volunteers to help with the flowers in church and the Courtyard Garden. If you have a particular talent for flower arranging or gardening, or can even help with watering or sweeping the courtyard, please contact Shawn on 07988 287 663 or shawnwilbe@outlook.com.

If you would like to make a donation for flowers or the garden, please contact Shawn.


Links for Sunday

The links for the livestream and service sheet for this Sunday’s High Mass are at the end of this email.

Evensong and Benediction is at 6pm on Sunday, with music including Gabriel Jackson’s Truro Service and Walton’s Set me as a seal.


Prayer list

The sick

Fr. Harry Hodgetts, Elizabeth Lyon, James Shrimpton, Gloria Fleming, David Craig, Martin Berka, James Rodger, Amanda Barrett, Barry Mason, Terry O’Neill, Philip Payne, Selina Walsh, Greg Loveday, Don McWhinney

The faithful departed

Jenny Packham

Anniversaries of death

November 13th – Arthur Hutchings
14th – Sidney Dines, Annie Searles, George Scott, Ethel Rawll, Sam Thorpe, Graham Hawke, Rachel Clayton
15th – Genge Frank Genge Pr., Herbert Brackley, Janette Brierly, Cecil Everton
16th – William Foster, Alfred Stephens
17th – Elizabeth Church, Jonathan Walker, Rodney Beasley
18th – Nadine Olivey, Norman Caplin
19th – Clifford Doyle Pr., Joan Roberts, Donald Page
20th – Florence Searle, Helen Clayton, Douglas Cudmore, Gwendoline Minnett

The Friends of All Saints’

November 13th – Roger Hancock, Jill Hargreaves, Patrick Hartley, Eoghan Healy, Fr. David Hobden
14th – Canon Gordon Holcombe, James and Gwendoline Holdcroft, Fr. Andrew Hollins, Edwin Holmes, Bp. David Hope
15th – Roy Hopkins, Fr. David Hutt, Andrew Jervis, Arthur Johnson, Malcolm Kemp, Fr. Alan Kimbrough
16th – Roger Knight, Brenda Koupis, Deirdre Laing, Graham Last, Christopher Laws, Cornelius Logue
17th – Henry Macey, Dirk Maney, Bp. Michael Marshall, John Martell, Robert Mason, Judith Mather
18th – Fr. Stephen McClatchie, Fr. Peter McGeary, Nigel McNeill, John McWhinney, Colin Menzies
19th – Anne Merritt, Hazel Miller, Thomas Moller, Barry Moore, John Morrell, Fr. Stephen Morris
20th – Inger Mosbery, Christopher Naylor, Fr. Philip Need, Brian Newman, Graham Norman, Elaine Norman


Service times this week

Saturday 12th November – St. Josaphat
11.30 Rosary
12.00 noon Mass of Our Lady of Walsingham
6.30 pm Vigil Mass of Sunday

Sunday 13th November – Remembrance Sunday
10.55 am High Mass with Act of Remembrance
5.15 pm Low Mass
6.00 pm Evensong and Benediction

Monday 14th November – Feria
12.00 noon Mass
6.30 pm Mass

Tuesday 15th November – St. Albert the Great
12.00 noon Mass
6.30 pm Mass

Wednesday 16th November – St. Margaret of Scotland
12.00 noon Mass
6.30 pm Mass

Thursday 17th November – St. Hugh of Lincoln
12.00 noon Mass
6.30 pm Mass

Friday 18th November – St. Elizabeth of Hungary
12.00 noon Mass
6.30 pm Mass

Saturday 19th November – St. Hilda of Whitby
12.00 noon Requiem Mass
6.30 pm Vigil Mass of Sunday

Sunday 20th November – Christ the King
11.00 am Solemn Mass
5.15 pm Low Mass
6.00 pm Evensong and Benediction