Weekly Email – Second Sunday of Lent
Dear friends,
I am pleased to be able to share with you the list of guest preachers who will be visiting us over the next few months at All Saints’. They come a wide range of places, many continents, and an interesting spectrum of ministries and experience.
Our Holy Week preacher this year will be, as you know, Fr Jeremy Haselock. Fr Jeremy is well known to our parish community. He has, for a while now, frequently assisted with cover for weekday Masses, has taught on various formational courses and catechetical events at All Saints’, and has also acted as a Visiting Confessor for us. He is currently an Assistant Priest at St Bartholomew the Great, Smithfield, and before his retirement was the Precentor of Norwich Cathedral. We look forward to hearing him preach as we celebrate the Paschal Mystery together, and are grateful to him for being with us.
It may seem a long way away, but I can also reveal our Holy Week preachers for 2026 and 2027. I am very pleased that Fr Graeme Rowlands has agreed to be with us for Holy Week 2026, and Bishop Lindsay Urwin for Holy Week 2027. They are both experienced and energetic preachers, and wise confessors. It will be a joy to have them with us.
Over the coming months a range of preachers will be with us on a number of occasions, laid out below. I always look forward to hearing the perspective and insights of others from our pulpit and look forward to welcoming them with you to our parish:
Sunday 11th May – Easter 3
11.00 am High Mass
The Revd Steve Rice,
Rector, St Timothy’s Episcopal Parish, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA.
Sunday 18th May – Easter 5
11.00 am High Mass with Baptism and Confirmation
The Bishop of Fulham
Thursday 29th May – Ascension Day
11.00 am High Mass
The Revd Dr David Houlding.
Thursday 19th June – Corpus Christi
6.30 pm High Mass with procession of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction
The Revd Grant Naylor,
Vicar, St Matthew’s, Carver Street, Sheffield.
Sunday 17th August – Assumptiontide Procession
6.00 pm Solemn Evensong with Procession of Our Lady and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
The Revd Philip Corbett,
Vicar, St Silas’, Kentish Town, London.
Sunday 14th September – Holy Cross Day
11.00 am High Mass
The Revd Dr Michael Bowie,
Vicar, St Peter’s, Eastern Hill, Melbourne, Australia.
Sunday 21st September – Trinity 14
11.00 am High Mass
The Revd Thomas Crowley,
Rector, Christ Church, St Leonards-on-Sea.
Sunday 2nd November – All Saints’ Day
11.00 am High Mass
The Ven Luke Miller,
Archdeacon of London.
Monday 3rd November – All Souls’ Day
6.30 pm High Mass of Requiem
The Rt Revd Lyndsay Urwin, O.G.S.
Join me in praying for all who exercise a ministry of preaching at All Saints’, that through the proclamation of God’s Word, we might be brought closer to Christ, in whom is all Truth and Life.
Fr Peter
It was our honour to receive a group of visiting organ students on Sunday from Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan to our High Mass. Their chaplain, Fr Thomas Plant preached for us.
Lent Walk – tomorrow
Our next parish walk will be a circular route of around 9 miles in the environs of Leigh-on-Sea and Hadleigh Castle and will take place tomorrow, Saturday 15th March and include a Low Mass and the opportunity to eat together in Leigh after the walk. We aim to catch the 10am train from Fenchurch St Station, and to be back in London by 6pm. Please let Fr Alan (assistantpriest@asms.uk) know tonight if you plan to join us.
After the High Mass on Sunday, our Associate Director of Music, Jeremiah Stephenson, showed our Japanese guests the organ in All Saints’ and allowed them to play a piece each. You can see they were very excited to do this!
Lent Appeal
You can contribute to our Lent appeal here. The proceeds of this year’s fundraising will be split between the work of the Homeless Shelter at the American Church on Tottenham Court Road and the Bishop of London’s Lent Appeal, which this year will support a number of climate justice projects in Mozambique and Angola. You can read more about the Bishop of London’s Lent Appeal here.
Zoom Theology
Our next Zoom Theology seminar will take place on Saturday, 22nd March, 2025, at 3pm GMT (11am New York time), and is entitled, “An Anglo-Catholic Tale of Two Cities.” It will be hosted jointly with our sister parish in New York, St Mary the Virgin Times Square.
Fr Peter and Fr Sammy, the churches’ respective incumbents, will speak about characters from the colourful histories of our two parishes. What can these histories tell us about the future of Anglo-Catholic parishes like All Saints’ and St Mary’s, and what do our parishes’ witness and traditions have to contribute to the life of the Church in our two cities?
You can find out more about our Zoom Theology programme here.
What a wonderful afternoon we had on Tuesday of Lenten theological reflection at the National Gallery, undertaken jointly between All Saints’ and St Paul’s, Winchmore Hill. It was an opportunity to ponder the mysteries of our faith as we reflected on some of the world’s greatest artistic masterpieces.
Stations of the Cross
During Lent, the Stations of the Cross will take place at 12.30 pm on Wednesdays and at 7.00 pm on Fridays. This begins on Friday 7th March. The service takes around half an hour.
Palm Sunday Liturgy
There will be a special liturgy on Palm Sunday evening offered in place of Evensong and Benediction. It will be entitled, “Mysterium Paschale: a liturgy of music and readings for Holy Week.” It will offer a more reflective way of entering into the mystery of Holy Week through some of the most beautiful music and hymns of the season. The liturgy will finish with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Do put this in your diary and invite friends to come. Please also support the online advertising we will be putting out over the next few weeks.
All Saints’ parishioners enjoy tea in the National Gallery cafe after our afternoon theological tour which took place on Tuesday.
Holy Hour
Do remember that there is a Holy Hour of silent prayer before the Blessed Sacrament every week on Wednesdays from 5.30 pm until the evening Low Mass at 6.30 pm. Lent is a good opportunity to make time for quiet time with the Lord, and the Holy Hour is a great way of taking time out to be in Christ’s eucharistic presence.
Fr Peter gives the group from All Saints’ and St Paul’s, Winchmore Hill, an introduction to the art they are about to see as they begin their theological tour of the National Gallery.
Attendance last Sunday
For your Prayers
The Friends of All Saints’ Margaret Street:
16th – Linda Edwards, Pamela Edwards, Dr Terrence Ellsworth, Richard Everton and Philip Bevan, Carolyn Farrar
17th – Sue Feakin, Adrian Felaar, Elizabeth Ferguson, Daniel Fielden, Janice Fielden, Julia Fielden, Nigel Fisher, Mark Fleming
18th – Stuart Fletcher, Christopher Forman, Matthew Foster, Antony Fox, Dr Ralph Donald Fram, Dr Jason Frost, Derrick French, Charlotte Gauthier, Dr Rebecca Gibbs, Margaret Goddard, Paul Golding, John Goldsmith
19th – Genevieve Gomi, Canon Michael Gudgeon, Sheelagh Gudgeon, Ginger and Del Hall, Monica Joan Hall
20th – Canon Richard Hanford, Paul Hannah, Jillian Hargreaves, Christopher Harlow-Jennings, Patrick Hartley, The Rev’d Canon Jeremy Haselock
21st – Eoghan Healy, Rebecca Hirst, Fr David Hobden, James and Gwendoline Holdcroft, The Rev’d Canon Graham Holcombe, Edwin Holmes, Rosy Holt, Bishop David Hope
22nd – Richard Hoskinson, Marissa Howard-McNatt, Fr David Hutt, Alfred Imhoff, David James, Andrew Jervis, Stephen Jury, Malcolm Kemp
The sick:
David Craig, Janet Crispin, Suzanne Goodstien, Eckhart Grimm, Tony Hawkins, Fr Harry Hodgetts, Elizabeth Lyon, James Rodger.
The recently departed:
Magdalena Grimm, Michael Brotherton, priest.
The faithful departed:
16th – Donald Faithfull, Hester Russell
17th – Edward Aubert, Frank Coomber
18th – Jessie Thwaites, Edward Mann, Evangeline De Fonseka, Joy Wright, Stewart Lyon
19th – Joan MacKintosh, Millie Cathcart
20th – Christine Tagoe
21st – Mary Steward, Hugh Wiley, Emily Pattisson, Margaret Baker
22nd – Charlotte Read, Olive Evans
Services this week
Saturday 15th March – Lent Feria
12pm Low Mass
6.00 pm Confessions
6.30 pm Vigil Mass of Sunday
Sunday 16th March – SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT
8.30 am Low Mass
11 am High Mass
5.15 pm Low Mass
6.00 pm Evensong and Benediction
Monday 17th March – St Patrick
12 noon Low Mass
6.30 pm Low Mass
Tuesday 18th March – Lent Feria
12 noon Low Mass
6.30 pm Low Mass
Wednesday 19th March – St Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
12 noon Low Mass
12.20 pm Stations of the Cross
5.30 Holy Hour
6.30 pm Low Mass
Thursday 20th March – Lent Feria
12 noon Low Mass
6.30 pm Low Mass
Friday 21st March – Lent Feria
12 noon Low Mass
6.30 pm Low Mass
7.00 pm Stations of the Cross
Saturday 22nd March – Lent Feria
12pm Low Mass
6.00 pm Confessions
6.30 pm Vigil Mass of Sunday
Sunday 23rd March – THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT
8.30 am Low Mass
11 am High Mass
5.15 pm Low Mass
6.00 pm Evensong and Benediction