Weekly Email – Trinity 5 | All Saints Margaret Street All Saints Margaret Street | Weekly Email – Trinity 5

Weekly Email – Trinity 5

Friday 28 June 2024 at 11:45

Dear friends,

I am pleased to announce a series of further dates over the summer and autumn when a group of new “Visiting Confessors” will be present at All Saints’ to hear confessions.

As you may know, we have initiated a new project over the past few months aimed at renewing the ministry of confession and spiritual direction at All Saints’.

As part of this, Fr Graeme Rowlands has been visiting us regularly over the past year or so in order to act as a “Visiting Confessor”. I am so grateful to him for the time and care he has devoted to this project. In that time, there has been a noticeable and significant increase in the number of people making their confession at All Saints’, and seeking our parish out as a place to seek spiritual advice, direction and solace.

Fr Rowlands has now begun to work this summer as the Interim Administrator at the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham. In that time he won’t be in London very much until the autumn and so will have to pause his work as a Visiting Confessor at All Saints’.

I am so pleased that Frs Philip Barnes, Jeremy Haselock, and Paschal Worton have all agreed to join the ranks of our group of “Visiting Confessors” to help us with this important ministry over the summer whilst Fr Rowlands cannot be with us.

Fr Philip Barnes is the Vicar of St Stephen’s, Gloucester Road, and the new Master of the Guardians of the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham; Fr Paschal Worton is the Vicar of St Mary’s, Eversholt Street; and Fr Jeremy Haselock is an assistant priest at St Bartholomew the Great, Smithfield, and is to be our Holy Week preacher next year. All three priests are good friends of our parish, are well-known spiritual directors, and have extensive experience in the ministry of reconciliation.

The parish clergy of All Saints’ regularly hear confessions on Saturday nights at 6.00 pm. They are also available before and after every Mass to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I hope, however, that those who would prefer to speak to a priest from outside our parish will find it helpful having Frs Philip, Paschal and Jeremy with us more regularly and will make use of their presence.

Over the coming months, a Visiting Confessor will be available once a month at the following times:

Wednesday 17th July 11.00 am – Fr Philip Barnes
Thursday 22nd August 5.30 pm – Fr Jeremy Haselock
Wednesday 11th September 5.30 pm – Fr Paschal Worton
Tuesday 22nd October 11.00 am – Fr Philip Barnes
Tuesday 12th November 5.30 pm – Fr Jeremy Haselock

I hope these new arrangements over the summer months will make it more easy for people to experience the love of God through the sacrament of forgiveness. Do be in touch with any of the clergy if you would like to talk about making your confession for the first time – we are all very happy indeed to discuss this crucial part of the spiritual life.

Fr Peter


Our three new Visiting Confessors: Fr Philip Barnes, Fr Jeremy Haselock, and Fr Paschal Worton.


Mass this Monday evening

Please note that the 6.30 pm evening Mass on Monday 1st July will be a Sung Mass for the annual London meeting of the Friends of St George’s Anglican Church, Paris. All are welcome to attend.


We were so pleased on Sunday morning to be able to wish a Happy Birthday to several people who are celebrating this week: Hilary Roger; Anne Flanagan; and Rosa Postance. Many happy returns!!


August Bible Study

A weekly Bible Study, led by Fr Alan, will be on offer throughout August. Our plan is to work through the Gospel of St Mark. Every Wednesday in August there will be exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 6.00 pm, Mass at 6.30 pm, followed by a period of Bible Study with a simple supper provided. The evening will end no later than 8.30 pm. Please let Fr Alan know if you want to attend.


Sunday’s sun brought panamas and linen jackets out during our coffee hour after the High Mass – thank you to everyone who organised refreshments.


Walking Trip to Lancing College

Fr Alan will be leading a walking trip to Sussex on Saturday, August 17th. We’ll get the train to Shoreham (likely the 10.16 from Victoria), and take in that town’s very fine churches, before making our way to Lancing College, where we’ve kindly been offered a tour of the chapel.

We’ll then move on towards Steyning, dropping by to see the wall-paintings at Coombes and the church at Botolphs. We’ll get the bus back into Shoreham, with the opportunity for an early supper at a local hostelry. Bring a packed lunch for the route!  Everyone is welcome, just let Fr Alan know if you’re interested.


In the sermon at Sunday’s High Mass, Fr Peter explored the Miracle of the Stilling of the Storm by thinking about the famous depiction of the scene by Rembrandt which was stolen from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in 1990. Our Christian calling is to live in a way that confidently trusts in Christ’s power to defeat all the chaos that threatens us in this life; yet which is honest about the way in which sometimes it is us that create and contribute to the chaos through our sin. You can watch Fr Peter’s sermon again here.


Young Adults Dinner – Friday 5th July

We will be hosting a supper, weather-permitting in the courtyard, for our young adults group on Friday, July 5th, after the 6.30pm Mass. Please be in touch with Fr Alan if you’re able to come, and bring a bottle.


We were blessed with sun in our parish courtyard after the High Mass on Sunday.


Assumption 2024

Don’t forget to put the date of our Assumptiontide procession in your diary. This year it will take place on the evening of Sunday 11th August with Evensong, Procession of Our Lady down Oxford Street and Benediction at 6.00 pm. Our preacher will be Fr Andrew Walker, Vicar of St Mary’s Bourne Street. The liturgy will be followed by a parish party in our courtyard.

There will also be a High Mass on the feast day itself, Thursday 15th August, at 6.30 pm. The celebrant and preacher will be Fr Alan Rimmer.



American Friends of All Saints’

The launch of the American Friends of All Saints’, Margaret Street, will take place at a reception at 6.00 pm on Friday 20th September at the Church of St Mary the Virgin, Times Square, New York.

We are hugely grateful for the generosity of Fr Sammy Wood and the people of St Mary the Virgin for allowing us to use St Joseph’s Hall for this event. If you live near the New York area and would like to attend, please sign up (tickets are free) on eventbrite here.



Parish Mission: St Timothy’s, Winston-Salem

In the week before the New York launch of the American Friends, Fr Peter will also be visiting St Timothy’s, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, (the home of Fr Steve Rice) to preach and offer some parish teaching as part of a weekend mission. He will offer two teaching evenings on Sunday 15th September and on Monday 16th September.

You are most welcome to join the St Timothy’s mission weekend if you live near Winston-Salem and can signal your intention here on eventbrite.

There will also be opportunities during Fr Peter’s time in Winston-Salem for people to learn more about the life of All Saints’, Margaret Street, and our new American Friends scheme. Do be in touch if you live near Winston-Salem and would like to know more.


Catching up with friends in our courtyard after the High Mass on Sunday.


Attendance last Sunday


The music at last Sunday’s High Mass included the Missa Brevis by G. P. da Palestrina and O Jesu Christ, mein lebens by J. S. Bach. The voluntary was Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr by J. S. Bach. You can watch the High Mass again here; and Evensong here.


Prayer List

The Friends of All Saints’ Margaret Street:

June 30th – The All Saints Sisters of the Poor
July 1st – Carlos Remotti-Breton, Dr Steve Rice, John Rick, Fr. Peter Roberts, Hilary Rodger
2nd – Greg Round, Fr. Jim Rosenthal, Jamie Rundle, Mary Sherred, James Shrimpton
3rd – Gabriel Simerson, Brad Singer, Ingrid Slaughter, Naomi Slippe, Vaughan Snook, Harvey Solomon-Brady
4th – Gwynedd Sooke, Richard and Louise Stallwood, Iain Stewart, Jason Stewart, Ian and Veronica Summers, Colin Symes, Ann Tacchi
5th – Sebastian Taite-Ellis, Michael Taylor, Kitty Thompson, Charles Thomson, Dr James Thomson, Jeremy Thorp, Dr Christine Vaughn Lillie
6th – Sam Walsh, Christopher Walsh, Christopher Waterhouse, Philip Wayne, Fr. Benjamin Weitzmann, Fr. Mats Wendt, Michael Westcott, Dr Roger White

The sick:

Martin Berka, David Craig, Tony Hawkins, Fr Harry Hodgetts, Katherine Lee, Lesley Lee, Elizabeth Lyon, James Rodger, Bruce Ross-Smith, Graham Snow

The faithful departed:

Bill Dennis, Isaac Hall, Donald Theodore McWhinney, Mossman Roueché, Sr Julie SLG, Terry West

Those whose anniversaries of death fall at this time:

June 30th – Harry Lye, William Roberts, Andrew Barker, Gladys Dare
July 1st – Richard Price Pr, Barbara Treadway, Philip Cranmer, Valerie Southcott
2nd – Mary Lightfoot
3rd – Kenneth O’Ferral Pr, Barbara Brentnall, John Pearce
4th – Emily Davis, Marie Padley
6th – Philip Smith, Molly Mather
7th – Lucy Wentworth-Reeve, Wilfred Burling


Service times this week

Saturday 29th June – Feria
12.00 noon Mass
6.00 pm Confessions
6.30 pm Vigil Mass

Sunday 30th June – TRINITY IV
11.00 am High Mass
5.15 pm Low Mass
6.00 pm Evensong and Benediction

Monday 1st July – Feria
12.00 noon Mass
6.30 pm Sung Mass for the Friends of St George’s, Paris.

Tuesday 2nd July – Feria
12.00 noon Mass
6.30 pm Mass

Wednesday 3rd July – St Thomas the Apostle
12.00 noon Mass
6.30 pm Mass

Thursday 4th July – Feria
12.00 noon Mass
6.30 pm Mass

Friday 5th July – Feria
12.00 noon Mass
6.30 pm Mass

Saturday 6th July – Ss. John Fisher and Thomas More
12.00 noon Mass
6.00 pm Confessions
6.30 pm Vigil Mass

Sunday 7th July – TRINITY VI
11.00 am High Mass
5.15 pm Low Mass
6.00 pm Evensong and Benediction