Weekly Email – Trinity 6 | All Saints Margaret Street All Saints Margaret Street | Weekly Email – Trinity 6

Weekly Email – Trinity 6

Friday 5 July 2024 at 11:45


Dear friends,

Over the past few days I have been reviewing progress made over the last six months in expanding and growing our Friends of All Saints’ Margaret Street Scheme. I am pleased to report a number of developments along with continued growth in the membership of the Friends.

Our Friends Scheme was completely renewed and rebooted three years ago. It is intended as a way of keeping in better touch with the wider family of people who feel they have a bond with our parish. It allows us to pray for them all regularly and systematically at the 12 noon Mass each day, and provides a framework within which the Friends can support our parish – prayerfully, as well as financially.

The Friends of All Saints’ offers several levels of giving and support.  All Friends receive The Parish Paper twice a year – now in full colour glossy magazine format! You can read more about the scheme here.

The Friends of All Saints now has a total of 202 members. Of these, 107 are “Friends” (contributing £25 per year), 87 are “Benefactors” (contributing at least £120 per year), and 8 are “Patrons” (contributing at least £1000 a year). This represents an annual income of at least £21,115.00.

It is a huge achievement for our parish to have created an organisation of this size in such a short time, and I am so grateful to all those who have joined and who support us in this way.

As we look forward, I would like to make four key requests:

First, if you are not yet a member of the Friends of All Saints’, would you please consider joining? You can become a Friend via the link here. It makes such a difference and is a hugely powerful way of supporting the ministry of All Saints’. It means so much to those who worship day by day at All Saints’ to be able to remember our Friends at the altar each day and creates a real bond of collegiality.

Second, as you may have read in previous weeks’ parish emails, the next expansion we want to accomplish is the foundation this autumn of the American Friends of All Saints’. We have had a very strong response to the planned launch event in New York on 20th September 2024. If you live in North America and are within travelling distance of New York, please consider coming to that in person launch. You can book a (completely free) place at the reception here on Eventbite.

My third request is a tall one, I realise, but I will make it nonetheless – if you are a parishioner of All Saints’ who lives in England who might be able to travel to New York for the Friends launch in September, please let me know! 7 parishioners from London have already told me they will be there. They have either used airmiles to book a flight, or have a work commitment in New York which coincides with the event, or have chosen to take a holiday there in September so they can be with us. I cannot begin to express how grateful I am to them for their generosity and their help. If there are others who might be able to be present in New York on Friday 20th Sept, be in touch with me.

Fourth, in the week before the New York launch of the American Friends, I will be present at St Timothy’s, Winston-Salem, leading a short parish mission, preaching and offering a series of teaching sessions. It would be great if Friends of All Saints’ who live in or near North Carolina were able to come along to St Timothy’s during that weekend so we can meet in person. St Timothy’s is the parish of Fr Steve Rice, who preached so powerfully at our recent celebration of Corpus Christi. If you want to sign up for all or part of that parish teaching event, you can find out more details and do so here.

I am so grateful for the generosity which so many show to All Saints’ through our Friends scheme and it constantly brings me joy to hear news from Friends. Please keep our efforts to expand the Friends in your prayers. If you are not a member, please join! And if you are already a member, but know others whom you think might want to be one too, suggest they join!

With best wishes, much thanks, and many prayers,

Fr Peter


It was good to welcome members of the Friends of St George’s Anglican Church, Paris, to All Saints’ on Monday. Their Sung Mass was followed by supper in our courtyard.


Mossman Roueche R.I.P.

The funeral rites of Mossman Roueche will take place with a High Mass of Requiem on Thursday 11th July at 12 noon. The Funeral Mass will be followed by a committal at the crematorium the next day.

Please note that this will take the place of the usual 12 noon Low Mass on 11th July.


Fr Peter was very pleased to visit St Peter’s, Horbury, last Sunday to preach at their patronal festival. He received a very warm welcome and was impressed to witness parts of St Peter’s weekend music festival organised as part of their patronal festivities.


Confessions: Fr Philip Barnes

Fr Philip Barnes will be available to hear confessions at 11.00 am on Wednesday 17th July. This forms part of a scheme in which a visiting confessor will be present at All Saints’ once a month through the rest of the summer.


We are so grateful to Frs Philip Barnes, Jeremy Haselock, and Paschal Worton for agreeing to hear confessions at All Saints’ as part of our new visiting confessors scheme.


August Bible Study

A weekly Bible Study, led by Fr Alan, will be on offer throughout August. Our plan is to work through the Gospel of St Mark. Every Wednesday in August there will be exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 6.00 pm, Mass at 6.30 pm, followed by a period of Bible Study with a simple supper provided. The evening will end no later than 8.30 pm. Please let Fr Alan know if you want to attend.


In the sermon at Sunday’s High Mass, Fr Alan reflected on the different but complementary roles of the Apostles Peter and Paul. They have different perspectives and priorities but are united by a shared apostolic calling and a common fidelity to Christ. You can watch the homily here.


Walking Trip to Lancing College

Fr Alan will be leading a walking trip to Sussex on Saturday, August 17th. We’ll get the train to Shoreham (likely the 10.16 from Victoria), and take in that town’s very fine churches, before making our way to Lancing College, where we’ve kindly been offered a tour of the chapel.

We’ll then move on towards Steyning, dropping by to see the wall-paintings at Coombes and the church at Botolphs. We’ll get the bus back into Shoreham, with the opportunity for an early supper at a local hostelry. Bring a packed lunch for the route!  Everyone is welcome, just let Fr Alan know if you’re interested.


Our parish’s beautiful red High Mass set, which was used last Sunday for the feast of Ss Peter and Paul, was worn by Bishop Roscow Shedden at the first Anglo-Catholic Conference. The silk has since been replaced, but the embroidery is clearly the same. The mitre he’s wearing here is kept safely in our Strong Room


Assumption 2024

Don’t forget to put the date of our Assumptiontide procession in your diary. This year it will take place on the evening of Sunday 11th August with Evensong, Procession of Our Lady down Oxford Street and Benediction at 6.00 pm. Our preacher will be Fr Andrew Walker, Vicar of St Mary’s Bourne Street. The liturgy will be followed by a parish party in our courtyard.

There will also be a High Mass on the feast day itself, Thursday 15th August, at 6.30 pm. The celebrant and preacher will be Fr Alan Rimmer.


Members of the wider parish family of St George’s, Paris, enjoying supper together in our parish courtyard on Monday.


Attendance last Sunday


The music at last Sunday’s Evensong and Benediction included Howells’ setting Collegium Regale, and Bullock’s Give us the Wings of Faith. The Benediction canticles were by Paul Brough and the Voluntary was Fugue Op. 16 iii by Francis Jackson. You can watch the liturgy again here.


Prayer List

The Friends of All Saints’ Margaret Street:

July 7th – Matthew Whittaker, Tim Widdowfield, David Wilcox, T. Bradford Willis, Ian A. Wilson, Juliet Windham
8th – Dr Philip Wood, Martin Woods, The Rev’d John Wylam, William Yale, Catherine Young, Michael Young
9th – Mark Allan, Martin Amherst-Lock, Mary Attenborough, Robert Austen, Richard Ayling, James Babington Smith, Ruth Baker
10th – Stephen Baldwin, Stephen Barber, Dr William Benefield, Fr. Adrian Berry, Charlotte Black, Graeme Bloom, Colin Bodkin
11th – William Bonnell, John Bristow, Eric Broglé, Paul Brough, David Blunden, Fr. Michael Bowie, Dr Graham Burns
12th – Derek Bussey, Katherine Butler, Maureen Cambrey, Adrian Carlton-Oatley, Timothy Cassady, Kate Charles, Stuart Chillingworth, Robert Chote, Sandy Christian
13th – Roger Clark, Catharine Clarke, David and Mavis Cleggett, Graham Colville, Alan Cook, Dr Patrick Cook, Eliza Coomber

The sick:

Martin Berka, David Craig, Tony Hawkins, Fr Harry Hodgetts, Katherine Lee, Lesley Lee, Elizabeth Lyon, James Rodger, Bruce Ross-Smith, Graham Snow, T. Bradford Willis

The faithful departed:

Trudy Cormack, Bill Dennis, Isaac Hall, Donald Theodore McWhinney, Mossman Roueché, Sr Julie SLG, Michael Sullivan, Terry West

Those whose anniversaries of death fall at this time:

July 7th – Lucy Wentworth-Reeve, Wilfred Burling
8th – Tom Sanders
9th – Doreen Davis, Grace Harrison, Pat Hunt
10th – Gordon Arthur, Aileen Buxton, David Botsford
11th – Mabel Pearce, Laurence Olivier
12th – Wilfred Stansfield, Cyril Ward
13th – Mary Gaskell, Mina Robertson
14th – Sheila Duggan, James Wheen


Service times this week

Saturday 6th July – Ss. John Fisher and Thomas More
12.00 noon Mass
6.00 pm Confessions
6.30 pm Vigil Mass

Sunday 7th July – TRINITY VI
11.00 am High Mass
5.15 pm Low Mass
6.00 pm Evensong and Benediction

Monday 8th July – Feria
12.00 noon Mass
6.30 pm Mass

Tuesday 9th July – Feria
12.00 noon Mass
6.30 pm Mass

Wednesday 10th July – Feria
12.00 noon Mass
6.30 pm Mass

Thursday 11th July – S. Benedict, Abbot, Patron of Europe
12.00 noon Mass
6.30 pm Mass

Friday 12th July – Feria
12.00 noon Mass
6.30 pm Mass

Saturday 13th July – Our Lady of Walsingham
11.30 Rosary
12.00 noon Mass
6.00 pm Confessions
6.30 pm Vigil Mass

Sunday 14th July – TRINITY VII
11.00 am High Mass
5.15 pm Low Mass
6.00 pm Evensong and Benediction